Zion and the Art of Armageddon

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"Stirring up racist hatred" is not an offence in Israel (as long as the targets are Arabs)

"Palestinians have been described as "human animals" and "beasts", with one former Israeli general saying his military "must create an unprecedented humanitarian disaster in Gaza"
It's a policy of dehumanisation. It's taught in schools, both in Israel and in Palestine. But only Israel uses it as a political and military tactic to alleviate Israel's population's and the IDF's guilt of dispossessing, committing torture,, starvation and genocide. They have no shame in using the tactic of dehumanising Palestinians.

Dehumanized Perception: A Psychological Means to Facilitate Atrocities, Torture, and Genocide?​

Gaza’s health ministry has announced that 40,005 Palestinians have been killed in Israel’s military offensive on Gaza following the 7 October attack by Hamas last year. A majority of the dead are civilians and the total represents nearly 2% of Gaza’s prewar population, or one in every 50 residents.

About 10,000 airstrike victims are thought to remain entombed in collapsed buildings, Hams said, because there is little heavy equipment or fuel to dig through steel and concrete ruins looking for them.

...in other news: Australia’s opposition leader was told to “stop being racist” by an independent politician in a heated scene in parliament on Thursday after the leader repeated a call for the country to stop the arrival of refugees from Gaza. Australia has issued almost 3,000 visitor visas to people fleeing Gaza or the West Bank since 7 October last year, while denying applications for just over 7,000 others, according to figures the government released in response to Dutton’s remarks initially made on Wednesday — and then repeated on Thursday. Prime minister Anthony Albanese also criticised Dutton in Parliament on Thursday, saying: “He sows fear and he sows division. That is what he does, that’s what he has done his entire political career and that’s what he continues to do.”

Plenty of right wangers down-under.
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Israel has approved a new illegal settlement on a UNESCO World Heritage Site near Bethlehem in the occupied West Bank. Bezalel Smotrich, the country’s far-right finance minister, said on Wednesday his office had “completed its work and published a plan for the new Nahal Heletz settlement in Gush Etzion”, a bloc of illegal settlements south of Jerusalem.

“No anti-Israeli and anti-Zionist decision will stop the development of settlements,” said Smotrich, who also heads civil affairs at the Ministry of Defence, on X. “We will continue to fight against the dangerous project of creating a Palestinian state by creating facts on the ground.”

Muhannad Ayyash, an analyst with the Palestinian think tank Al-Shabaka, told Al Jazeera that Israel’s “ultimate goal” was to “expand Israeli Jewish sovereignty over the entirety of the land, from the river to the sea”. “So, the strategic utility for Israel is always the same, whether it is in this site or another site. It’s always [to] fragment the Palestinian population and, critically, create what it calls facts on the ground […] in order to stop the creation of the Palestinian state,” he said.

Reporting from Ramallah, Nour Odeh of Al Jazeera said Smotrich “is flexing his muscles, telling the world that he cares very, very little about international law”. The project devours what’s left of [Palestinian] land in the Bethlehem area, which has shrunk to nearly 10 percent of its original size”. It is located “not just in any UNESCO World Heritage Site, but also in … the only place left for agriculture, for picnics, planning and building”.

The Israeli anti-settlement group Peace Now said it will flank houses in the Palestinian village of Battir, a World Heritage Site known for its stepped agricultural terraces, vineyards and olive groves. The group denounced the plan, calling it a “wholesale attack” on an area “renowned for its ancient terraces and sophisticated irrigation systems, evidence of thousands of years of human activity”.
Just another ordinary day in the West Bank

"Dozens of Israeli settlers have set fire to houses and cars in a village in the occupied West Bank, with the Palestinian health ministry saying at least one person has been killed"

"The settlers - some of them wearing masks - threw rocks and Molotov cocktails as they attacked the village of Jit, near the town of Nablus, on Thursday evening, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said"

One wonders whether the israeli apologists will condemn what is a regular occurrence by these terrorists (because that is what they are) with as much vigour as they condemn Palestinians? :rolleyes:

"According to OCHA - the UN office for Humanitarian Affairs - there have been more than 1,000 attacks by settlers against Palestinians since October,, external with at least 1,390 people - including 660 children - displaced.

Lethal violence has frequently accompanied the attacks. OCHA recorded 107 that led to Palestinian fatalities and injuries, 859 causing damage to Palestinian property"
...also known as Lubavitch, Habad and Chabad-Lubavitch, is a branch of Orthodox Judaism, originating from Eastern Europe and one of the largest Hasidic dynasties. Chabad is one of the world's best-known Hasidic movements. It is one of the largest Hasidic groups as well as one of the largest Jewish religious organizations in the world. Unlike most Haredi groups, which are self-segregating, Chabad mainly operates in the wider world and it caters to secularized Jews.

Many of these teachings discuss what is commonly referred to as bringing "heaven down to earth", i.e. making the Earth a dwelling place for God. Chabad philosophy is rooted in the teachings of Rabbis Yisroel ben Eliezer, (the Baal Shem Tov, founder of Hasidism) and Dovber ben Avraham, the "Maggid of Mezritch" (Rabbi Yisroel's successor).

Chabad Messianism began in the 1990s and was a big influence on an aspiring politician who travelled to New York as Israeli Ambassador to the UN and met the Rebbe who provided one of the key building blocks in his career: credibility with Ultra-Orthodox Jews.
...most members of the Chabad movement expressed their belief that Menachem Mendel Schneerson is the Messiah. Those subscribing to the beliefs have been termed meshichists (messianists). A typical statement of belief for Chabad messianists is the song and chant known as yechi adoneinu ("long live our master"). Customs vary among messianists as to when the phrase is recited. Since 1994, most of Chabad persists in the belief in Schneerson as the Jewish messiah. Chabad messianists either believe Schneerson will be resurrected from the dead to be revealed as the messiah or profess the belief that Schneerson never died in the first place. The Chabad messianic phenomenon has been met mostly with public concerns or opposition by non-Chabad Jewish leaders.

The following news item on TRT explains why Benjamin Netanyahu came to power and the promise he made to the Ultra-Orthodox far-right Nationalists in America and Israel in order to gain power.
Interesting report on C4. Israel's latest West Bank land grabs are larger than all of the ohers in the past 19 years.

They also have this lady that I have a lot of respect for going on past reporting. She usually shows up in situations as they build. Not in Israel's case. She feels that the US is just talking up the current peace deal. There are also indications that some extra aspects have crept in from the Israeli side. No hard details though.

Gaza seemed to have gone quiet briefly. Negotiators go home. Overnight strike with plenty of body bags.
While the Americans try desperately to find a ceasefire in Gaza to help the Democrats enjoy the concention in a couple o' weeks, they should remember why the Palestinians still fight.

On the morning of 29 January, she got in a Kia Picanto along with her aunt, uncle and several cousins. They were seeking to flee the Tel al-Hawa neighbourhood of Gaza City. The Israeli military fired on the car, killing everyone inside except for Hind and her 15-year-old cousin, Layan. A terrified Layan answered a call from the Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS), informing them that a tank was firing on the car: in the recording, you hear her tortured screams as she is shot dead. When the PRCS rang back, Hind answered, now the only survivor, surrounded by the bloodied corpses of her six relatives. She also referred to a tank and begged to be rescued. At one point she told the operator it was getting dark and that she was scared.

After hours waiting for permission, the ministry of health negotiated safe access with the Israeli authorities for an ambulance. The paramedics arrived at about 6pm and were shot upon arrival. Two weeks later, their remains were recovered – along with the decomposed bodies of Hind and her family.

Nearly five months after the killings, Forensic Architecture – an acclaimed multidisciplinary research group based at Goldsmiths, University of London, published a detailed investigation in conjunction with Al Jazeera. They mapped 335 bullet holes in the car’s exterior. Analysis of Layan’s phone call found 64 gunshots fired in just six seconds, consistent only with Israeli-issued weaponry, with the tank estimated to be between 13 and 23 metres away from the car. “At such proximity,” they write, “it is not plausible that the shooter could not have seen that the car was occupied by civilians, including children.”

Israel’s modus operandi can be seen in action time and time again. When the Palestinian-American Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh was killed in May 2022, Israel denied responsibility, pointing the finger at Palestinian militants, waiting for months until attention had moved elsewhere before acknowledging its likely responsibility. When Israel assaulted what had been Gaza’s main medical facility, al-Shifa hospital, last November, over a month later the Washington Post discredited its key claims, suggesting a lack of evidence that the hospital was used as a “command and control centre” or that tunnels could be accessed from hospital wards. Nearly six weeks after more than 100 Palestinians were massacred while waiting for aid in the so-called Flour Massacre in February, CNN discredited Israeli disavowals of responsibility. We could go on....


the Guardian
The Israeli strikes and movement orders are back on track.

Benjamin made a speech following the return of the "peace" negotiators. Essentially Israel will do what it wants irrespective of international pressure. They have their red lines.

There has been mention of 2 red lines. One is Israel takes over the corridor on the S end of the strip. The other appears to be the road plus trench running across the strip effectively cutting it in 2 relating to Gazans returning to the north. Mention that some Hamas may go there. Any others such as no permanent cease fire - pass.

The corridor is interesting as this was mentioned a while ago. The reply on the news was that the US said no but no clear indication of who said it. Similar sources said the US wants the PA to run all of the Palestinian areas. Also early on that the US wants to be shut of Hamas.

Harris's call for a ceasefire aligned with the US sending $3.5b worth of weapons. Her main convention has resulted in 200 applications for demo's,
@fillyboy and his chums try to say that Israel's racist genocide of the Palestinians is acceptable.

It isn't.
While Blinken talks up the chances of a ceasefire Hamas said in a statement Sunday that the group remains committed to a plan announced by US President Joe Biden in late May and called on mediators to oblige Israel to implement the proposal. [However] “The new proposal responds to Netanyahu’s conditions and aligns with them, especially his rejection of a permanent ceasefire, a comprehensive withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, and his insistence on continuing to occupy the Netzarim Junction, the Rafah Crossing, and the Philadelphi Corridor,” the statement said, in reference to areas Israel has occupied in Gaza. “He also set new conditions in the prisoner exchange file, and backed down from other items, which prevents the completion of the exchange deal.” “We hold Netanyahu fully responsible for thwarting the mediators’ efforts, obstructing reaching an agreement, and fully responsible for the lives of his prisoners who are exposed to the same danger that our people are exposed to, as a result of his continued aggression and systematic targeting of all aspects of life in the Gaza Strip.”

It all sounds like a protracted game of 'pin the tail on the donkey' to me.
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