Zion and the Art of Armageddon

...“The new proposal responds to Netanyahu’s conditions and aligns with them, especially his rejection of a permanent ceasefire, a comprehensive withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, and his insistence on continuing to occupy the Netzarim Junction, the Rafah Crossing, and the Philadelphi Corridor,” the statement said, in reference to areas Israel has occupied in Gaza. “...

It all sounds like a protracted game of 'pin the tail on the donkey' to me.
It's been the Israel tactics since 1948, continual changes to any deal that prevents any deal being ratified.

Hamas have seen the conduct of IDF in the West Bank, and don't want that conduct to be repeated in Gaza.
Who can blame them?
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“There is a great deal of negativity from a number of experts, from people here on the ground with regards to the success of this deal, because they say what the US and Israel are doing is creating a sense of cautious optimism while shifting the goalpost and shifting the blame on Hamas for not agreeing to a deal,” Basravi added, reporting from Amman, Jordan due to Israel’s ban on Al Jazeera...if the Zionists don't like the message they tend to shoot the messenger.
It all sounds like a protracted game of 'pin the tail on the donkey' to me.
You could go further and conclude that attrition is the name of the game until Hamas just give up and this may be what we have been hearing the results of all along. Only change big bombs not being used. Still needed? Gazans being more inclined to move if told to. To be expected really. Rafar news wise has turned into a black hole.

Should we be thinking in this sort of direction? Pass. I can't help wondering.

Who will pay for the rebuild is a rather interesting question. What happens in respect to the West Bank is too.
Every day, Israel exterminates more Palestinians by bombing, shooting, starvation and disease, and destroying more of the ancient heritage and civilisation.

This is the objective of their genocide.

Which is why they don't want to stop. So they don't want a ceasefire.
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A statement from the IDF says six hostages have been recovered in an operation in the city of Khan Younis in southern Gaza.
After an identification procedure was carried out, the families of the deceased were informed, the army added.

Netanyahu's 'rescue' mission isn't going well.

Nir Oz, an Israeli kibbutz near the Gaza Strip which was attacked by Hamas on October 7, says that the body of one of its community was retrieved by the Israeli army, and that this is “is the greatest proof of all the importance of a deal that will return our sons and daughters as soon as possible before it is too late”. A group representing captives’ families also called for the Israeli government to strike a deal with Hamas, saying, “The Israeli government, with the help of the mediators, must today approve the deal that is currently on the table – and allow rehabilitation for the living abductees, a dignified burial for all the victims and the murdered abductees and restore hope to the State of Israel.”

The latest round of negotiations for a deal that would see the release of captives in exchange for Palestinian prisoners is continuing.
I'm constantly amazed how Israel can (supposedly) know, within a few metres, of the positions of Hamas, Iranian, and Hezbollah leaders, even in another country.
Yet they don't know where the Israeli Hostages are, after 10 months.
It beggars belief.
Blinken has spoken on the peace deal. Israel has accepted it with the "bridge" that has been added. Hamas it seems want Biden's original and it seems they may have accepted that. Hard to be sure though as arguments appear to just continue.
Biinken is saying now is the only chance and mentioning risks of more wars in the areas concerned. Hamas has it's external supporters what ever some may think of them, they exist. What changes will this peace deal make to their views?
Maybe if hamas had released the hostages we wouldn't be where we are today? their deaths, and the gaza civilians are on hamas not Israel, maybe what Israel is doing will make them think hard before carrying out similar atrocities against them? we must all agree you can't give in to terrorists demands (y)
@Charlie George has a point...if the hostages from both sides had been swapped before the New Year then most of this carnage would've been avoided, but Netanyahu persisted in the mad idea of "eradicating Hamas", despite warnings from his military staff that it wasn't possible. He has the blood of over 40,000 Palestinians and the Israelis taken on Oct. 7th on his hands. He's alienated support at the UN and divided his allies in their support for his cause. It isn't about 'giving in' to demands of terrorists, it's about negotiating with their enemies to avoid unnecessary bloodshed of civilians and securing a lasting peace - neither of which he seems interested in above his own political survival.
Negotiations were held with the PLO - another terrorist organisation at the time however in terms of 2 states hasn't really worked out well at all. Later another factor cropped up posted this way to show other possible side effects

The Six-Day War of 1967 included an Israeli invasion of the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula, which resulted in Egypt closing the Suez Canal for eight years. The canal was cleared in 1974 and opened again in 1975[9] after the 1973 Yom Kippur War, when Egypt tried to take back the Sinai.[10][11] OAPEC countries cut production of oil and placed an embargo on oil exports to the United States after Richard Nixon requested $2.2 billion to support Israel in the war. Nevertheless, the embargo lasted only until January 1974, though the price of oil remained high afterwards.[12]

In my view Benjamin is just carrying on with his views - taking the opportunity while he can. Aided by Hamas's attack which justifies a much harder response than usual. More casualties and deaths expected from day 1.

He's alienated support at the UN and divided his allies in their support for his cause. It isn't about 'giving in' to demands of terrorists, it's about negotiating with their enemies to avoid unnecessary bloodshed of civilians and securing a lasting peace - neither of which he seems interested in above his own political survival.
I think what Netanyahu really wants is a full scale Iran V USA war.
He wants USA to go to war with Iran to do to Iran what he can't do.
That's the reasons for the provocations with Iran and Hezbollah. A cessation of hostilities, even temporary, will avoid any full scale regional war.
That's not in Netanyahu's plans.
I think what Netanyahu really wants is a full scale Iran V USA war.
He wants USA to go to war with Iran to do to Iran what he can't do.
That's the reasons for the provocations with Iran and Hezbollah. A cessation of hostilities, even temporary, will avoid any full scale regional war.
That's not in Netanyahu's plans.
I'm not sure that's true - a war with Iran would be devastating and Netanyahu would have no guarantee civilian casualties would be contained. Considering the pressure he's already under at home, he'd likely lose his job and the trust built up with the Saud's, Qatar and the UAE. Not to mention annoying the Americans as their election gets into high gear.
A statement from the IDF says six hostages have been recovered in an operation in the city of Khan Younis in southern Gaza.
All dead and reports say known to be alive when captured. One could be a hostage that was killed by his guard following his whole family being wiped out in an attack elsewhere. That may be a separate incident. Another said to be down to an Israeli hit. No comments on the others. This article suggests all killed by strikes
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