Zion and the Art of Armageddon

Who shot those hostages?
Good question...

But then the IDF has been known to shoot first and not really ask questions later when they have killed their own...

But the question you should really be asking is why bibi the war criminal is intent on sacrificing jewish people for his own gains ;)
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The latest Israeli public action is a major union calling for a strike. Huge demo's and represents ~500,000 plus sympathisers. This time they want a deal with Hamas. Previously they seemed to neglect the Hamas aspect.
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The United Kingdom says it will suspend 30 of 350 arms exports licences to Israel, citing a “clear risk” they could be used in serious breaches of international humanitarian law. [Although] British exports amount to less than 1 percent of the total arms Israel receives, and Lammy told parliament the suspension would not have a material impact on Israel’s security. Among the items that will come under the suspension will be components for military aircraft, including fighter jets, helicopters and drones.

It's a small gesture, but won't placate the pro-Gaza lobby within the Labour Party...in other news, Comrade Corbyn is forming an official parliamentary alliance with four independent MPs ( Shockat Adam, Ayoub Khan, Adnan Hussain and Iqbal Mohamed ) who were elected on pro-Gaza platforms – issuing a call for more MPs to join. They have since said they do not intend to only campaign on Gaza but on housing and poverty. The five MPs most recently wrote to the home secretary, Yvette Cooper, about the targeting of Muslim communities during the far-right riots in early August. The Guardian
The United Kingdom says it will suspend 30 of 350 arms exports licences to Israel, citing a “clear risk” they could be used in serious breaches of international humanitarian law. [Although] British exports amount to less than 1 percent of the total arms Israel receives, and Lammy told parliament the suspension would not have a material impact on Israel’s security. Among the items that will come under the suspension will be components for military aircraft, including fighter jets, helicopters and drones.
Welcome to feeble Britain on the world stage, led by 2 Tier Kier and Lamey. Great message it sends to Hamas, not
Well the scale of the expulsion of Palestinians is becoming clearer...

Extremist settlers rapidly seizing West Bank land

"Last October, Palestinian grandmother Ayesha Shtayyeh says a man pointed a gun at her head and told her to leave the place she had called home for 50 years.

She told the BBC the armed threat was the culmination of an increasingly violent campaign of harassment and intimidation that began in 2021, after an illegal settler outpost was established close to her home in the occupied West Bank.

The number of these outposts has risen rapidly in recent years, new BBC analysis shows. There are currently at least 196 across the West Bank, and 29 were set up last year - more than in any previous year.

The outposts - which can be farms, clusters of houses, or even groups of caravans - often lack defined boundaries and are illegal under both Israeli and international law.

But the BBC World Service has seen documents showing that organisations with close ties to the Israeli government have provided money and land used to establish new illegal outposts."

"The BBC has seen new evidence showing how two organisations with close ties to the Israeli state have provided money and land used to set up new outposts in the West Bank.

One is the World Zionist Organization (WZO), an international body founded more than a century ago and instrumental in the establishment of the state of Israel. It has a Settlement Division - responsible for managing large areas of the land occupied by Israel since 1967. The division is funded entirely by Israeli public funds and describes itself as an “arm of the Israeli state”.

So is it any wonder that Palestinians are fighting back?

Because Israel has never had any real intention of honouring a two state solution....

It won't be satisfied until it drives out the Palestinians from the West Bank and completes it's destruction of Gaza!
While Netanyahu insists Israel must control the Philadelphi Corridor, Egypt maintains that is a red line in negotiations for a ceasefire and
speaking to reporters at the White House on Monday, Biden said he did not think Netanyahu was doing enough to reach a deal, and indicated that the US was planning to present a final proposal to both sides this week. Hamas say they'd respond positively to a proposal that could secure a ceasefire and full Israeli withdrawal from the Palestinian enclave.

Biden says he's "hopeful" of a settlement by the end of this week but while the protaganists continue to sing from different hymn sheets it's difficult to see how that's possible.
It won't be satisfied until it drives out the Palestinians from the West Bank and completes it's destruction of Gaza!

Even after Israel has exterminated all the Palestinians, destroyed their history and culture, and finished bulldozing their cemeteries, homes, historic buildings and museums, if will not be satisfied. It wants to seize additional land in addition to Palestine.

You will not find an official declaration by Israel saying where it thinks its borders should end.
Israel Katz, the Israeli foreign minister, has issued a statement criticising the UK’s decision to suspend some arms sales to his country. He said it was one of several decisions taken by the Labour government that Israel finds problematic, and he hinted that the “deep friendship” between the two countries was being put at risk. He also went on to display a rare sense of humour in saying - Israel is a law-abiding state that operates in accordance with international law and has an independent and respected judicial system - we expect friendly countries, such as the UK, to recognize this all year-round, especially just days after Hamas terrorists executed six Israeli hostages, during intense negotiations for the release of the hostages and for a ceasefire, and in light of the recent threats by the Iranian regime to attack the State of Israel.

Netanyahu went on to describe the UKs decision as "shameful", ignoring the shameful conduct of his own troops in Gaza and the West Bank.
It would be shameful for any country to support Israel's racism, apartheid and genocide.
Israel Katz, the Israeli foreign minister, has issued a statement criticising the UK’s decision to suspend some arms sales to his country. He said it was one of several decisions taken by the Labour government that Israel finds problematic, and he hinted that the “deep friendship” between the two countries was being put at risk. He also went on to display a rare sense of humour in saying - Israel is a law-abiding state that operates in accordance with international law and has an independent and respected judicial system - we expect friendly countries, such as the UK, to recognize this all year-round, especially just days after Hamas terrorists executed six Israeli hostages, during intense negotiations for the release of the hostages and for a ceasefire, and in light of the recent threats by the Iranian regime to attack the State of Israel.

Netanyahu went on to describe the UKs decision as "shameful", ignoring the shameful conduct of his own troops in Gaza and the West Bank.
As witnessed over the last few days, at least half a million decent Israelis disagree with bibi and his genocidal henchmen!
As witnessed over the last few days, at least half a million decent Israelis disagree with bibi and his genocidal henchmen!
And how many Jews around the world disagree with Netanyahu's government?

At the same time, the survey – conducted during the final 14 months of the Trump administration – shows a wide range of views among U.S. Jews about the Israeli government, including some pockets of strong criticism. Fewer than half of U.S. Jews give Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “excellent” or “good” ratings for his leadership. And just one-in-three say they think the Israeli government is making a sincere effort toward achieving peace with the Palestinians. (Fewer still, just 12%, say they think Palestinian leaders are sincere in these efforts.)
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