Zion and the Art of Armageddon

The Israelis are now on another killing spree...

"Israeli military launches major West Bank operation"

"Local journalists are saying they haven't seen anything of this scope an scale in the West Bank since the days of the second Palestinian intifada, or uprising, two decades ago.
Israeli media says hundreds of Israeli forces active in four different cities at least in the north of the West Bank.
There have been air strikes carried out."

"He (Israel's Foreign Minister Israel Katz) has said the threat must be addressed with the same determination of the threat from Gaza including possible Palestinian evacuations - something we haven't heard in an official capacity before."

No doubt the apologists for israel will defend this invasion of Palestinian land...

And this...

"Meanwhile in central Gaza, the medical charity Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has opened a field hospital in Deir Al Balah to treat hundreds of patients who were evacuated from the city's main hospital at the weekend.

Around 650 patients were forced to leave the al-Aqsa hospital in Deir Al Balah on Sunday following an evacuation order by Israeli forces, and an explosion around 250 meters from the hospital, MSF says.

MSF says the first patients are arriving but it warns that there's a severe lack of supplies and resources.

"Field hospitals are not a solution, but a last resort in response to Israel’s dismantling of the health care system," MSF says in a statement.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 20 out of 36 hospitals in Gaza are now non-functional, and temporary structures like field hospitals lack the capacity for advanced surgical care, and many other lifesaving essentials to treat patients in critical condition or with long-term medical conditions."
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"It’s like a cancer. It’s spreading," Gen Israel Ziv, the former head of the IDF’s operations division said"

He got it right...

The desire for genocidal acts towards the Palestinians by israel, and the further illegal grabbing of Palestinian land is like a cancer spread...

Or even akin to a virus!
"It’s like a cancer. It’s spreading," Gen Israel Ziv, the former head of the IDF’s operations division said"

He got it right...

The desire for genocidal acts towards the Palestinians by israel, and the further illegal grabbing of Palestinian land is like a cancer spread...

Or even akin to a virus!
Are you slipping in your dotage? You do realise you posted the word virus without the '' don’t you?
Qaid Farhad Alkadi is one of Israel’s roughly 300,000 Bedouin Arabs, a poor and traditionally nomadic minority that has a complicated relationship with the government and often faces discrimination. While they are Israeli citizens and some serve in the army, about a third of Bedouins, including Alkadi, live in villages the government considers illegal and wants to tear down.

Alkadi was one of eight Bedouins abducted on Oct. 7, and three are believed to still be alive in captivity; two teenagers were released, one was accidentally killed by the Israeli army, and one declared dead is still in Gaza. On Oct. 7, many Bedouins rushed to help attendees of an Israeli music festival, saving hundreds of lives at a time when the army and police were in disarray.

There have been 1,325 Bedouin homes demolished in the first six months of 2024, a 51% increase over the same period in 2022, according to the Negev Coexistence Forum for Civil Equality, which tracks demolitions in the Bedouin community.

Associated Press

Thanked by a grateful nation i'm sure he's delighted to be home...for now, at least, until the Zionist bulldozers move in.
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The Biden administration has sanctioned an Israeli NGO known as Hashomer Yosh as well as three members within this group. This group is funded in part by the Israeli government and is affiliated with far-right ministers Itamar Ben-Gvir as well as Bezalel Smotrich. Another Israeli individual – Yitzhak Levi Filant – has also been sanctioned, for acting outside the scope of his authority as a law enforcement officer in the West Bank. He allegedly led an effort to prevent 250 Palestinians in a village from returning to their homes after volunteers from Hashomer Yosh walled off that village.

The US’s concern is that this ongoing and escalating settler violence is undermining peace and security in the region. And the Biden administration hopes the move will lead Israel to hold these individuals accountable, even though the Israeli government is funding much of this operation. In fact, Netanyahu’s office has released a statement saying the Israeli government views with “the utmost severity the imposition of sanctions on citizens of Israel” and that “the issue will be a point of discussion” with the US.
The Israeli government has long restricted mobility for Palestinians within the occupied West Bank, building “Jewish only” roads, segregation walls and checkpoints across the territory. Since October 7, it has accelerated building infrastructure on Palestinian land. This is evident on Road 60 in the stretch connecting Jerusalem to Jewish settlements in Hebron, where new road lanes are being constructed, even in areas where lanes were added just a year ago...the movement of Palestinians between villages and towns has been further restricted. The number of Israeli checkpoints, roadblocks and gates has increased from about 200 in October to more than 790 by early June. Some roads connecting communities are only open for limited hours while flying checkpoints and roadblocks are set up at the whim of soldiers, often without any legitimate security justification.

This country made a stand against Apartheid in South Africa - now it supports Israel's regime of discrimination and subjugation. Where did it all go wrong? Well, Netanyahu became President for a start...now there's no going back. The 'roadmap' for peace laid out in the 90s lies in tatters, buried beneath a pile of rubble and corpses in Gaza.
This country made a stand against Apartheid in South Africa
The US took a lot longer to do that. Some pundits think it's down to policy inertia. A feature the US has.

Anyway. Now "ceasefires" for polio vaccinations. 3 days of 9hrs hours in different areas. 1st central. N and S to follow.The NGO's doing it feel not enough. Gazan's need to know were to go and difficulties with them moving around due to infrastructure destruction. Same applies to the NGO's. 1m+ doses to use. Mention that they may just add days if needed.
This country made a stand against Apartheid in South Africa - now it supports Israel's regime of discrimination and subjugation. Where did it all go wrong?
thatcher and the nasty party supported that apartheid...

Let us hope that the current government will learn from that and help isolate a genocidal israeli state!

Of course continuing to supply israel with weapons means the uk is a party to the genocide that is taking place, so that is a policy that needs to be stopped!
thatcher and the nasty party supported that apartheid...

Let us hope that the current government will learn from that and help isolate a genocidal israeli state!

Of course continuing to supply israel with weapons means the uk is a party to the genocide that is taking place, so that is a policy that needs to be stopped!

Francesca Albanese, the UN special rapporteur on the occupied Palestinian territory, has praised Namibia for “rightfully denying” port access to a ship reportedly carrying explosives to Israel. “My hope is that Angola will follow Namibia’s example and not consent to harbour the ship,” Albanese said in a post on X. Albanese said she had received information that the Portuguese-flagged Kathrin is carrying eight containers of explosives that are “reportedly key components in the aircraft bombs and missiles that Israel is deploying against besieged Gaza”. She warned that countries potentially helping the ship, including Portugal, risk breaching the Genocide Convention as well as a UN Human Rights Council resolution “mandating an arms embargo on Israel”.
Curious factor about the West Bank. If dissidents just shot IDF or caused them problems they would be clear as far as the Geneva convention is concerned. Needn't even wear uniforms. All down to it being an occupied territory. Israel break the laws associated with that anyway.
No doubt filly, mottie, and the other apologists won't have a problem with this...

"Palestinians as young as 12 describe how they were forced to inspect houses and roads to look for tunnels and militants, sometimes dressed in military fatigues, in a practice an Israeli NGO warns is ‘broadly used’ and ‘systemic’ "

"Sobbing and terrified, the 12-year-old Palestinian schoolboy says Israeli soldiers ordered him and his cousins to strip down to their underwear, before forcing them at gunpoint to act as “human shields”.

Linky Linky

"The use of civilians as human shields by military forces is prohibited in the Geneva Conventions and is a war crime"

“‘Human shielding’ refers to purposefully using the presence of civilians to render military forces or areas immune from attack,” explains Belkis Wille, of Human Rights Watch.

“The laws of war prohibit using civilians to shield military objectives, including individual combatants, from attack.”

"When contacted by The Independent, the Israeli military said the claims of the use of human shields had been forwarded for examination by the relevant authorities, without elaborating any further. They declined to comment on whether there would be a specific investigation into the use of children"

Strange how israel claims hamas uses civilian areas for military actions, and yet when israel is challenged about using civilian human shields it 'declines to comment'...

The number of war criminals in the idf grows day by day!
No doubt filly, mottie, and the other apologists won't have a problem with this...
I have about as much of a problem with that as you and the other 'state of Israel' haters had with the October 7 attack, rape, murder and hostage taking of innocent unarmed Jewish festival goers.
I have about as much of a problem with that as you and the other 'state of Israel' haters had with the October 7 attack, rape, murder and hostage taking of innocent unarmed Jewish festival goers.
I, along with many others on here have totally condemned the Oct 7th attacks

I see Mottie doesn’t have a problem with the appalling atrocities the Israel state commits on innocent Palestinian people…..but then it’s no surprise, Mottie hates Muslims, Arabs or people in small boats….anybody with brown skin really.

Mottie thoroughly supports the Islamophobia hatred on this forum.
Mottie is quite happy to misrepresent criticism of the state of Israel as hatred of Jews.
I, along with many others on here have totally condemned the Oct 7th attacks

I see Mottie doesn’t have a problem with the appalling atrocities the Israel state commits on innocent Palestinian people…..but then it’s no surprise, Mottie hates Muslims, Arabs or people in small boats….anybody with brown skin really.

Mottie thoroughly supports the Islamophobia hatred on this forum.
Mottie is quite happy to misrepresent criticism of the state of Israel as hatred of Jews.

mottie the apologist doesn't have the intelligence to understand the cause and the solution to the decades of deaths...

He hates one side, but doesn't understand that both sides contain mostly people who just want a normal life...

But there are extremists on both sides preventing that, whether it is because of political reasons or a belief in a particular imaginary friend...

It is quite simple...

A two state solution would bring about a period where it is talk not deaths...

But mottie doesn't care about that!
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