Zion and the Art of Armageddon

I suspect that the displaced Lebanese would like to do the same, but they can't due to the Israeli terror attacks...
And the scorched earth policy adopted by Israel.

Scorched Earth Policy: Israel’s War on South Lebanon

As the war expands and Israel crosses more red lines, particularly by targeting civilians, field data and testimonies available to the Legal Agenda indicate that Israel is applying a scorched earth strategy to the border regions.
Demolishing the Border Villages
We found that there is an Israeli focus on turning the front row of border homes, from Naqoura to Chebaa, into rubble. Citizens we met said that their homes began being targeted during the first three days of the war.
Destroying Power and Water Sources
The Legal Agenda tracked the targeting of vital infrastructure, including sources of power and water.
Scorched Earth
The Israeli aggression continued the scorched earth policy in the border villages by targeting agricultural areas, livestock, poultry farms, and bee colonies. The losses in this sector are especially devastating because the inhabitants of the region depend on agriculture to live. Israel has destroyed 20% of the agricultural areas and the entire animal husbandry sector, which is estimated to have included 340,000 head of livestock, poultry, and beehives, according to figures obtained by the Legal Agenda and detailed in its white phosphorus report.
Targeting Workers in Vital Professions

Crimes in the Dark: Targeting Journalists

Earth Scorched… And Bloodied
An Aggression Against the Entire South
Institutionalizing War Crime and Israeli Intentions

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Jews and Israelis are among the many who criticise Israel's racism, apartheid and genocide.

Some other Jews and Israelis support Israel's racism, apartheid and genocide.
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I’m not surprise Bodd left.

The antisemitism knows no boundaries in here.

Free speech isn’t aloud in the GD
So you can’t provide a single example, from either John or Odds

You keep on deliberately conflating criticism of Israel state with hatred of Jews
Hamas are terrorists, but can do no wrong apparently.

That’s as much proof as I need.
The same is true of Israel. :rolleyes:
Which came first Israel, Hamas or Hezbollah, and why?
Here's a little hint:
The Hamas movement was founded by Palestinian Islamic scholar Ahmad Yasin in 1987, after the outbreak of the First Intifada against the Israeli occupation.

Hamas - Wikipedia


Hezbollah was established by Lebanese clerics primarily to fight the 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon.

Hezbollah - Wikipedia


On May 14, 1948, David Ben-Gurion, the head of the Jewish Agency, proclaimed the establishment of the State of Israel

Milestones in the History of U.S. Foreign Relations - Office of the Historian

history.state.gov 3.0 shell

And within two years of the founding of Israel they were engaged in state sponsored terrorism.
1950–51 Baghdad bombings

Israel and state-sponsored terrorism - Wikipedia

I'm sorry to hear that. Can you give me an example of antisemitism you've seen?

I've no problem with criticism of Israel, I've been critical of them/Netanyahu on more than one occasion. But when someone choses to be critical of 1 side and not the other, to an obsessive level, where almost every waking moment is dedicated to the criticism of that 1 side. It does raise some questions.
I've no problem with criticism of Israel, I've been critical of them/Netanyahu on more than one occasion. But when someone choses to be critical of 1 side and not the other, to an obsessive level, where almost every waking moment is dedicated to the criticism of that 1 side. It does raise some questions.
See the post above yours.
But I'll ask a similar question.
How long have Hamas, Hezbollah and Israel been implicated in terrorism?
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