Zion and the Art of Armageddon

I think he’s a chatGPT bot, no one can chat that much crap.

Well @Odds can, but he’s also semi funny.

His war and peace long posts and waffle one would lose the will to live reading them

He thinks I’m a complete scum bag :giggle:

Although I think the word complete is a bit harsh :giggle:
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His war and peace long posts and waffle one would lose the will to live reading them

He thinks I’m a complete scum bag :giggle:

Although I think the word complete is a bit harsh :giggle:
Well, you used the word 'complete, so maybe choose your words more carefully...and why would i think you're a 'scumbag'? It's all in your head.
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Jews have a thousand years experience of being severely persecuted in multiple Christian and secular nations. Both seem incapable of multiculturalism. On the other hand both christians and jews flourished under Muslim rule. All until the western jews tried to steal a large chunk of land and impose a jewish supremacist apartheid state. That has caused the most trouble.

During the Golden Age of Islam, between 900-1200 AD, other faiths were allowed autonomy so long as they paid their taxes to the Caliphate, but the Mongol Invasion during the 14th century traumatised their culture: the Sack of Baghdad in 1401 was a catastrophe that had drastic consequences in their outlook, turning inwards to protect the economic structure of the empire while curtailing research and expansion within the wider world. The early translations of Greek science and philosophy had brought about a renaissance for their society but when that exploration ended their religious leaders brought about a change towards a more rigid orthodoxy which tolerated no dissent from the centralised government.
The Ottoman Empire grew from the ashes of the Mongol Invasions but expanded West, taking Constantinople and nearly taking over Eastern Europe, although their religious Orthodoxy was subject to military rule, rather than the opposite perspective to the Eastern Moslems. Jews were tolerated for their economic acumen after Western Europe subjected them to severe restrictions and pogroms: in Spain, England, Germany, France, and Venice they were driven into ghettos or driven out into Islamic lands where they were allowed to settle so long as they paid their due to the ruling Islamic elite.
Modern Islam seems to be caught between the old traditions of religious subservience and looking out at the wider world which enjoys greater freedom: of speech, personal wealth and a higher standard of living. America hopes such sanctions brought to bear on Iran will break them but they forget they have powerful allies in Russia and China who will support their economy as much as Israel relies on American subsidies. So long as this conflict can be contained the region needn't collapse into anarchy but Israel must understand it will have to come to terms with its enemies in future or the cycle of perpetual conflict will endure.
This is worth a watch. They should have called it Psycho Nation. https://www.aljazeera.com/program/i...ar-crimes-in-gaza-i-al-jazeera-investigations

Even still though I can't allow myself to be dishonest and think they would have become like this if it wasn't for the actions of Europeans over the years. Their behavior is so abnormal, I doubt the khmer rouge soldiers felt as sure of their own justifying myth while they were killing thousands of people. My suggestion would be to fly in about 50,000 clinical psychologists and start working on the Israeli psychosis.

That video is 80 minutes long so nobody, i think, will be prepared to watch it but this live podcast from 'The Take' covers similar ground:

I don't understand the mentality of Israeli troops happily committing atrocities and filming them for public consumption at home where they sing and dance in celebration of these acts. If the British Army had done anything like that in Iraq i'd be ashamed of them.
Well, you used the word 'complete, so maybe choose your words more carefully...and why would i think you're a 'scumbag'? It's all in your head.

Did I say I think you consider that I am a scumbag ?? Don’t recall saying that ?

But hey ho u probably do ???? And Transam gives not a jot :cool:
America hopes such sanctions brought to bear on Iran will break them but they forget they have powerful allies in Russia and China who will support their economy as much as Israel relies on American subsidies.
The sanctions hit the general public often very hard and can make arming forces a lot more difficult. However some countries are getting better at sorting themselves out in that direction. Iran is an example. Ballistics that can change direction and a disputed modern nuc bomb delivery system. The disputed aspect could just be disbelief. Drones appear to be pretty simple for all.

During the cold war period US and Russia was the source of many countries weapons. A method of gaining influence. The US still does that, Russia - in Iran's case they appear to have provided them with air defences. Anything else - pass. Serious levels of finance - unlikely.
no evidence exists. The sister of one of the supposed victims of rape directly refuted it. Its called propaganda and it is designed to garner support for Israels genocide
Please stop denying the atrocities that happened on Oct 7th

Murder, rape, torture were all used on that day and the hostages suffered it for months.

Hamas and Hezbollah are ruthless, violent terrorists, you are dishonestly trying to frame them as freedom fighters.

I know Israel is culpable of decades of oppression on Palestinians, but that’s no justification for the extreme violence of Oct 7th
MI5 chief warns about Iran / mad mullers repurposing its criminal net work in the UK
From attacking dissidents to attacking UK cutezins if tensions between Isreal and Iran escalate ???

The mad mullers have over seen plot after plot at an un precedented pace in the UK
Since jan 2022 the mad mullers in Tehran have instigated 20 plots ( probably more ?) aimed at dissedents and journalists in the UK

5 of them this year
I don't understand the mentality of Israeli troops happily committing atrocities and filming them for public consumption at home where they sing and dance in celebration of these acts.
The surprising thing is that Israel allows them to.
If the British Army had done anything like that in Iraq i'd be ashamed of them.
Generally troops are not allowed to. Read US and UK and I would suspect any western army.

All we may hear is comments from soldiers after the event and filming during the event that the military decide to release. Israel is doing that. it will always be positive for the releaser often contrived in Israel's case. No enemy around etc but looks good.
I know Israel is culpable of decades of oppression on Palestinians, but that’s no justification for the extreme violence of Oct 7th
True but conditions can lead to this sort of result. Conditions can mean that this sort of thing will happen at some point. Reactions do not get better as nothing achieved so they get worse.
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