Zion and the Art of Armageddon

Unlikely but not concerned tbh

The usual suspects In Here will always revert to the race card or religious card

Tis what they do tis who they are

( fruit cakes :giggle: )
You may not be bothered, but according to Motorbiking:
"if its just one people who's religion that you mock, well the conclusion is obvious."
Then you must be Islamophobic, but he's never mentioned it.
I can only wonder why not.
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Meanwhile, Iran is s******g itself. ;)

It's the genocide apologists like you that should be sh*tting yourselves...

In between of course jerking yourself off watching tens of thousands of innocent people getting murdered in a 'video game war' you don't realise is not the actual reality of mass slaughter...

But then of course as long as you perceive 'your side' is winning you couldn't care less...

However you are too stupid to understand that by perpetuating the cycle of violence we all lose!
It seems that 2 IDF tanks took out the gate of a UN facility and went in and told them to turn off the electricity and get out. They refused so tanks left. Pundit reckons that Israel wants the high ground. Images of the boarder suggest plenty of it. UN just in places.

25 injured IDF in 1/2 day - seems to be today. Most they have ever announced.

Rumour. US to provide Israel with a much better ballistic missile defence system and 100 US boot pairs to use it. Some US newspaper. Might be the one that does echo their gov's thoughts. A try out on their public? Sounds very expensive.

Israel - Iran. No worries. Personally I do wonder about that. They are better equipped these days and also what they threaten to do. Oil supply disruption. Their diplomatic talks with the other Arab states are also an unknown. Why and what about.
Pentagon confirms the new weapon also that there is one in storage there. Sent a while ago.
I have a suspicion they need others to take on Iran,
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You may not be bothered, but according to Motorbiking:
"if its just one people who's religion that you mock, well the conclusion is obvious."
Then you must be Islamophobic, but he's never mentioned it.
I can only wonder why not.

I suspect you are playing with words so as to suit yer narrative ;)

A common trait amongst some in here
Since T.sam is unable to maintain focus on posts longer than 100 characters, i'll keep it real simple...

I think the poster known as Motorbiking might consider you to be Islamophobic.
He generally tries to take a legal route - ;) with mixed results at times.

Few seem to really follow the UN IC's views which paint a poor picture of both sides. Israel has broken a number of international laws. One group of these was aimed at ending colonialism. Others relate to fighting. A much greyer area but excesses are possible. What to do with POW's is another set. Then comes specifics concerning the medical area and general civil services such as police, fire and etc.

Religion doesn't figure. Only actions.
Dear Odds,

you arent allowed to point out facts, facts are anti semitic
please consider posting Israeli propaganda which is the only information that is not anti semitic

kind regards, Fillyboy, Nwgs2
Oh, dear Notch.

A fig, i could not give.

Sincerely, :cool:
One of the interesting facts is that the Jewish religion has factions just like Islam has although that one is not as clear cut as it's sometimes seen. Factions seek power and influence. The US has an "interesting" Christian one in respect to Israel but many countries have variations in their midst.
One of the interesting facts is that the Jewish religion has factions just like Islam has although that one is not as clear cut as it's sometimes seen. Factions seek power and influence. The US has an "interesting" Christian one in respect to Israel but many countries have variations in their midst.

Eggs is eggs...which end do you eat first?
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