1st Labour Tory blow up

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He must think he's clever.

The more holes he digs the further he falls in.

And some believe what he says too
You do understand it was you who claimed that an off-payroll “employee” is a non-standard employee. Then you are stupid enough to think that me correcting you is some sort of confession to being an off-payroll worker.
so the calculation is 300 cars at £50k each and 1% commission

300x£50000x0.01 = £150,000

Plus basic

Minus pension contributions (possibly limited in his case to £60,000) which would greatly reduce his tax due, and possibly his NI.
Placing him in the top 1% of income tax payers.

See how fun maths can be.
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From the IFS looks to br from ~2013
To be in the top 1% of income tax payers in the UK (i.e. to be among the 310,000 individuals with the highest income), a taxable income of at least £160,000 is required. £236,000 is required to be in the top 0.5% and nearly £650,000 to be in the top 0.1%.

Bit more inside
To be in the top 1% of income tax payers in the UK (i.e. to be among the 310,000 individuals with the highest income), a taxable income of at least £160,000 is required. £236,000 is required to be in the top 0.5% and nearly £650,000 to be in the top 0.1%.

43% of adults pay no income tax and to be in the top 1% of all adults (or the top 540,000 people), a pre-tax income of at least £120,000 is required
They don’t understand.

Apparently it’s impossible to be a PAYE earner on that sort of money.
You do understand it was you who claimed that an off-payroll “employee” is a non-standard employee. Then you are stupid enough to think that me correcting you is some sort of confession to being an off-payroll worker.
An off payroll employee is NOT a standard employee, no matter how you try to swerve around.

An employee, yes maybe, or not, depending. But not standard.
read the words carefully

Off payroll workers are not employees.

I am not an off payroll worker (note the term worker not employee) if you are an off payroll worker or self employed service provider.

You are not an employee. Not a non-standard employee not a special employee.

The clue is in the word self as in self employed. The people you work for are your customers not your employers.
I used the wrong term.

But you clearly said. .....

You assume that off-payroll workers are non-standard employees - its wrong.

They are not standard employees !
I used the wrong term.

But you clearly said. .....

You assume that off-payroll workers are non-standard employees - its wrong.

They are not standard employees !
Yes. I was correct you.

I was not confessing to be one “catching myself out”.
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