A dangerous cult now runs Britain

All this whinging

Johnson will be booted out in time
Most likely by the men in grey suits

at the end of the day government only works (?) if there is a credible

let’s hope that labour win the forth coming bye election

imo it is important that they hold that seat

massive government majority’s are not good for democracy IMO
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I commented on what you said.

Not the different message you posted later.

So pipe down.
I commented on what you said.

Not the different message you posted later.

So pipe down.

Give it a rest John, my original comment was in relation to another poster.

You will keep trying to pick holes in my posts and I'm not having any of it. You can keep your high and mighty attitude and shove it where the sun don't shine
Corbyn :LOL:

he is a bigger buffoon than Johnson :LOL:

he would have taken advice on the economy from his mate modero in
Venezuela and the Castro family in Cuba :)

in between going out to Moscow to
Polish putins boots en-route to China to brown nose Paddington bear and on the way back he would have popped into the Gaza Strip to have tea and biscuits with the Hamas leadership :LOL:

You listen to too much Tory related news items.
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I doubt that :)

You probably don't realise that you do. Why don't you wonder why some of the information you mentioned gets airing on the TV etc in the first place.

USA politics has been talking to the taliban currently and has been for some time. It all boils down to talk eventually. Even Russia and the USA. Clearly the Yanks are comi's.
You probably don't realise that you do. Why don't you wonder why some of the information you mentioned gets airing on the TV etc in the first place.

USA politics has been talking to the taliban currently and has been for some time. It all boils down to talk eventually. Even Russia and the USA. Clearly the Yanks are comi's.

I don’t watch TV have not done for years

I read the I occasionally and like the radio

never have had much time for serving politicians or people that belong to political parties

interesting to note ( or not) that I am the only person afaik on this forum who stuck up for corbyn over his disgraceful treatment from his own party

those ;)in here who spend most of there time spouting off there socialist credentials and probably actualy campaign for the party

said nowt

party members they are fair weather friends :LOL:

and you can never trust them
Corbyn for all his faults was a Brexit supporter, although he didn't like to admit it.

The Blairite faction undermined him and colluded with others to smear him and the Labour party as anti Semitic.
The pro-Tory...
...faction undermined him and colluded with others to smear him and the Labour party as anti Semitic.

Because they were terrified of a Labour victory.
Who are you pro?

You have very strong left wing politics, that is your choice. But you will never win any argument by attacking people and attempting to take a morally or intellectually superior stance.

Stand in the shoes of your opponent and try to understand him or go back to the silly posters we all used to enjoy so much.
.... But you will never win any argument by attacking people and attempting to take a morally or intellectually superior stance.
You'll never win any argument by inventing silly scenarios such as this one:
We could easily be hooked in to some EU vaccine scheme listening to apologies as to why we wont get the vaccine until the rest of the EU 27 have been done.
Which country has been denied any vaccine until the rest of the EU27 have been vaccinated?
That was obviously an invented scenario from a very biased, immoral and intellectually inferior mind.

.... go back to the silly posters we all used to enjoy so much.
It looks like you've done exactly that.
Corbyn for all his faults was a Brexit supporter, although he didn't like to admit it.

The Blairite faction undermined him and colluded with others to smear him and the Labour party as anti Semitic.

No. Corybn is more left than many so sees the EU as a capitalist club as much of the world is. He's essentially a socialist. EU in or out. Tricky. Labours view is that commercial competition does work in some areas but very definitely doesn't in some of the privatised areas. Being in the EU may have some implications on doing something about that. I've never been convinced it has really especially as some EU counties are wondering about the same thing.

The Blairite faction colluding with the right? In your dreams maybe. A Labour problem has always been that some MP's will voice misgivings about it's leadership. The media in search of news items love it. The Tory have been showing slight signs of the same thing of late but it usually stays firmly within the 1922 committee until they actually do change leadership. Boris has shown that a leaders persona can get a party elected to some extent. As Cummins has said it doesn't really give any indication of ability and why the hell does some one like him have to be about. He essentially said that the fact that this happened means there is something seriously wrong with UK politics. I'd say he is correct but I doubt if he or anyone else can come up with a solution.

Anti Semitic. We live now in a world were accurately describing groups of people by race is racist. More so with some than others. I and a lot of other people are anti semitic in some sense as I do not support what has been going on in Israel. I can also say that clearly a lot/some of the Jewish population are racists themselves. Does that make me anti semitic?
Corbyn :LOL:

he is a bigger buffoon than Johnson :LOL:

he would have taken advice on the economy from his mate modero in
Venezuela and the Castro family in Cuba :)

in between going out to Moscow to
Polish putins boots en-route to China to brown nose Paddington bear and on the way back he would have popped into the Gaza Strip to have tea and biscuits with the Hamas leadership :LOL:
The thing about reality, transam-with-a-broken-timing-chain, is that it is not as fabricated by the likes of the Mail and Express for the further delusionment of their dribbling readers.
You will keep trying to pick holes in my posts and I'm not having any of it.
Is there a site rule which forbids critical analysis of your posts?

I know that many of them dont stand up well to that, being based on nothing more substantial than the frothing beween your ears, but the solution to that is for you to stop posting nonsense, not to whinge about criticism.

Not that youll see that helpful suggestion unless someone youre not ignoring posts a screenshot of this.:mrgreen:

Maybe ignoring/ance could also be an answer - put everybody on ignore and then youd not see any of your posts being picked at.:ROFLMAO:
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