I don't think there is a typical Tory supporter nowadays. The one tenuous link I guess is that you and the other magic grandad followers on this forum don't like them. Are you sure you're not a Tory activist? I only voted Brexit because I just couldn't bring myself to vote the same as JohnD, you (Himmi), Noseall etc. It can't be a coincidence that you lot, rather than trying to empathise with people and trying to coax them round to your way of thinking just call them stupid bigots etc. You're not gaining support, rather driving people away. Do you honestly not see that? Continual claims from your camp about how clever you are and all who disagree are thick. I reckon Boris has got you on the payroll. Notch's tactic suggests he might actually be a Labour remainer. The old "God blimey mate, I voted out but saw the light" and his occasional "agreement" with a Brexer or Tory! Good effort LOL.