Battery state
12.75v stand alone
12.86v connected to charger
10.21 m-Ohm internal resistance
46% wear life (based on 340EN 374CCA)
254 CCA
Spec: Lion 063 40Ah EN 340CCA, very old
Charger state (no adjustments from previous)
25mA effective charge current
1.5w mains draw
32v open circuit
32mA open circuit
12.75v stand alone
12.86v connected to charger
10.21 m-Ohm internal resistance
46% wear life (based on 340EN 374CCA)
254 CCA
Spec: Lion 063 40Ah EN 340CCA, very old
Charger state (no adjustments from previous)
25mA effective charge current
1.5w mains draw
32v open circuit
32mA open circuit