Decided to bump up the charge current by a tad after this reading.
Battery state
12.44v stand alone
12.55v connected to charger
12.85 m-Ohm internal resistance
28% wear life (based on 340EN 374CCA)
201 CCA
Spec: Lion 063 40Ah EN 340CCA, very old
Charger state (no adjustment made from previous)
19mA effective charge current
1.2w - 1.5w mains draw
31v open circuit
28mA open circuit
Battery state
12.44v stand alone
12.55v connected to charger
12.85 m-Ohm internal resistance
28% wear life (based on 340EN 374CCA)
201 CCA
Spec: Lion 063 40Ah EN 340CCA, very old
Charger state (no adjustment made from previous)
19mA effective charge current
1.2w - 1.5w mains draw
31v open circuit
28mA open circuit