And some say MP's are lazy work shirking buggers…

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Proves he's not in Parliament for the paltry £92k MP salary. He's a grafter not a grifter. (y)
The majority of the Reform UK leader's earnings come from his work presenting on the GB News television channel - which alone pays him almost £1.2m a year.

£97k a month. There are some others too.
At least Farage turns up for his show, three times a week...

...on the other hand - Boris has failed to host a single show since he signed up, ten months ago.*

Some say some MPs are lazy b'satrds - and they're not wrong.

*and his publisher still awaits any word on his Shakespeare book, nine years after paying an advance of £88,000.
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Part of Labour's manifesto mentions looking into this area. The figures should surprise GBnews watchers but now they know that there is serious money in what they get up to, Same with many others in different fields.
Good old Nige, just one of the people, happy to stand and have glass of wine, oops I mean a pint with any of the working classes he claims to represent.

Good old Nige ...
to me a politician should provide an average 30 hours a week to there constituents now this may be 20- 40 actual hours in parliament working rather than just attending but this should include 10-30 hours in hard heavy constituency work during parliament work as actual time when no in parliamentary presence when parliament is shut then 30 hrs local representation should equal the busiest time representing the community you care for
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to me a politician should provide an average 30 hours a week to there constituents now this may be 20- 40 actual hours in parliament working rather than just attending but this should include 10-30 hours in hard heavy constituency work during parliament work as actual time when no in parliamentary presence when parliament is shut then 30 hrs local representation should equal the busiest time representing the community you care for
To be fair, I see nothing wrong with them employing 1 or 2 assistants/interns/whatever (depending on demand) in their surgeries to deal with the bulk of that work, leaving the actual MP to handle the more difficult, high profile issues that are beyond the scope of the assistants/interns/whatever.
Obviously all correspondence is in the name of the MP, so they need to be aware of all outgoing correspondence.
And they should be expected to put in regular appearances at their surgeries.

And of course, they need a similar arrangement in the HoC for research, etc., again depending on demand, work load, etc.
to me a politician should provide an average 30 hours a week to there constituents now this may be 20- 40 actual hours in parliament working rather than just attending but this should include 10-30 hours in hard heavy constituency work during parliament work as actual time when no in parliamentary presence when parliament is shut then 30 hrs local representation should equal the busiest time representing the community you care for
All that work for the same wages as a train driver? Phhft!
All that work for the same wages as a train driver? Phhft!
No qualifications, education nor experience required. Of course they're expected to work harder.
The unqualified, inexperienced labourer has to work harder than the qualified artisan, and for lower wages.
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