And some say MP's are lazy work shirking buggers…

Nigel Farage isn’t doing the job of an MP, he isn’t doing the job he was taken on to do.

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GBnews is simply a propaganda news channel

It loses massive amounts of money, it’s direct audience is tiny and it’s ad revenue is way below its expenditure.

It can only afford Farages £1.2m salary because it’s right wing backers pay money in and in exchange get right wing propaganda being spread.

Until our media is no longer allowed to spread lies, our country will continue to be destroyed because the easily led like Mottie will keep lapping up the lies
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Do they do that? It was the first increase in 5 years, that's what they were moaning about.
My heart bleeds for them.

Anyone employees on here had more than one increase in the last 5 years?
My heart bleeds for them.

Anyone employees on here had more than one increase in the last 5 years?
I bet plumbers, electricians, builders have increased their rate by more than that over last 5 years.

Mottie voted for Brexit because he thought it would lead to higher pay for British workers……yet here is Mottie moaning about decent pay for British workers
I make that 15%.
Yes, over 3 years, in reality over 5 years.

The agreement, which Aslef members will now vote on, is for three increases:

  • 5 per cent for 2022-2023
  • 4.75 per cent for 2023 to 2024
  • 4.5 per cent for 2024 to 2025.
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