Angela Rayner

Please provide direct evidence that MBK has used anything that is not already in the public domain.
He has accused her, several times, of tax evasion. There is nothing to suggest that, and he has contradicted himself on this repeatedly.
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Come on Carmen this is below you. MBK has stated this directly and I have not seen any evidence that he has not. Please provide direct evidence that MBK has used anything that is not already in the public domain.
Use your own evidence.

He has made her guilty, but no investigation has. Who has the most, accurate information? Clue, it's not mbk.

You want to believe mbk and prejudge, that's up to you. Personally I am waiting for the official outcome. No problem with any appropriate punishment. I have a big problem with smears.
Come on Carmen you made the accusation now stop ****ing about and you provide the evidence.
Come on Carmen you made the accusation now stop ****ing about and you provide the evidence.
I have made no accusation, other than mbk has found her guilty and no offical investigation has. That is all the facts needed.

This case in particular is just smears.

You could open your eyes and see that if you wanted.
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Usual suspects then as soon as pushed just run off into personal insults and ignore the direct questions they don't want to answer. Why am I not surprised.
Usual suspects then as soon as pushed just run off into personal insults and ignore the direct questions they don't want to answer. Why am I not surprised.
Here's a thought.

Why don't you put up the facts involved that mbk has used to make her guilty.

Should be easy
Oh dear you lot really don't understand do you. It was a simple question about your attack on MBK that you have ignored and then piled in. It shows you up for the shower you are.
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