Mrs Hampson told The Mail on Sunday that Ms Rayner was living at Lowndes Lane 'full-time from about 2009 or 2010'. She said: 'If she is saying she didn't live there she is a f***ing liar. She definitely lived at that house.
'She can't say she didn't live there. I would swear on the Bible to that.'
What does the word "allegedly " in those links mean ?Missed post 1709 then?
As everyone with half a brain is aware Angela Rayner's commitment to step down is tightly scoped. She has not committed to step down if she is shown to be a liar. I wonder why.
your research
see the futility of arguing blue vs Red
I would suggest your research should take you in the direction of Fraud. The Mens Rea: Dishonestly; Knowing the representation is untrue or misleading, and; Intending to make a gain, cause a loss, or cause a risk of loss.
The important point to clarify in my hypothetical scenario, is that AR didn't realise at the time that the home improvements wiped out any CGT liability. So as far as she was concerned, she thought she had been evading CGT (hypothetically) by misleading the authorities.