Angela Rayner

Looks like she’s being investigated by GMP again on the electoral issue.
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Hardly convincing given the amount of lies each successive government told to hide the fact how much power this country was giving over to the EU.
Then make your case with facts. I can't be bothered reading between the lines.
False argument

Economists agree that selling gold was right.

Nobody is suggesting we should still own it now.

Plenty of people are saying it was a stupid thing to do and still are.

You’ve proven you mow little about money. No need to make yourself look worse.

And perhaps read your own article before commenting.
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It wont go anywhere, the electoral fraud is not the issue. The tax evasions and hypocrisy is.
What is the source of the rule about registering to vote at a particular address? I don't mean the electoral commission website. Rather, the act or regulation. My guess would be Representation of the People Act or some regulation arising from it. But does anyone know exactly where it comes from?
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