Mike, there will be bad people in any walk of life... your link is shameful, but irrelavent.
I want proof of god because some believers think I should die because I don't believe. And on top of that, some seemingly intelligent people actually believe the babble (sorry bible), and yet there is no measurable evidence of any of it - just belief.
What's your take on UFO's Mike from Londinium?
The link was to demonstrate how one's mind can be manipulated using electrical signals, with probes attached and even without (Wireless signal injection) as in microwaves which penetrate cells, so be ware when you use your mobile, there could be other forms of modulations besides your normal sound being conveyed, that can interfere with your thoughts. for example external control can signal your phone transmitter to radiate a certain frequency that can interfere with your mind, similarly the context of my post was to demonstrate that certain invisible entities can project or beam signals intended for one and not others, as often people describe seeing things which others around them cannot see, and we often think the person is going crazy, but he may be a target o0f a mind exploitation by spiritual entities, they can attack, take over your mind. Sort of paranormal.
And yes I do believe unreservedly in UFO. They don't just exist, but must do so. Law of averages will tell you there must be 10,000 in the least planets that are leaps ahead of us and similarly tens of thousand leaps behind us.