Anyone got any evidence for a god?

and that's the problem Joe... someone challenges you, and you either get silly, get aggressive, get irrational, get stuff deleted, or get gone !

Mrs Palmer was calling. ;)
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then another two or three thousand years passed away and someone then invented a microscope, and when they analysed the grey fluid, they saw small tadpoles swimming in it!

They said hey presto! we know now what makes these babies, now we know how babies are made, but still it was not quite true!

care to explain the virgin birth then?

Mike, I've come to the conclusion you are deluded !!! you used to come across fairly compelling, yet these days you've lost the plot mate.

And my concern is it's your sort of crackpot notion which gets people's heads cut off... yet you continue to live in a pantomime !!!!
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With regard to Mary. The word 'Virgin' is not in the original text, which translates more to 'young woman'
With regard to Mary. The word 'Virgin' is not in the original text, which translates more to 'young woman'

Well actually you're wrong...

.. because it doesn't matter at all what it means.... it matters how people interpret it and they then teach it...

The point is, it's a made up fanciful story which causes us all no end of grief !!!
With regard to Mary. The word 'Virgin' is not in the original text, which translates more to 'young woman'

Well actually you're wrong...

.. because it doesn't matter at all what it means.... it matters how people interpret it and they then teach it...

The point is, it's a made up fanciful story which causes us all no end of grief !!!

Beg to differ!
It does matter if people are basing beliefs on it without being unaware of the true translation. Nothing supernatural about a young woman having a baby.
With regard to Mary. The word 'Virgin' is not in the original text, which translates more to 'young woman'

Well actually you're wrong...

.. because it doesn't matter at all what it means.... it matters how people interpret it and they then teach it...

The point is, it's a made up fanciful story which causes us all no end of grief !!!

Beg to differ!
It does matter if people are basing beliefs on it without being unaware of the true translation. Nothing supernatural about a young woman having a baby.

Well I think religious texts are interpreted.... e.g. the quran.... some say the religion of peace, yet a muslim cut Lee Rigby's head off in the name of that religion....

Your idea of the fact is lost in the fanaticism or belief !!!
Sombrero. Point taken on interpretation.But where that interpretation is based on a deliberate mistranslation or error then it should be corrected. The virgin birth just isn't in the bible, so people who believe in it should know this.

No problem in what they believe ,but a problem if they do not know what they are quoting
So Micilin, your telling me that it says nothing in the bible about Mary being "with child" , "before she had "came together" with Joseph ?? I can't think of any other translation tbqh. (Unless your saying the bible is wrong) ??
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