Anyone on here still pay roaming charges?

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I can't believe you are still trying to say that all this is better than it was.
Well, I was paying a tenner a month with 4Gb data before Brexit because there were very few airtime providers and I'm now paying £8 an month and getting 20Gb data and there’s more airtime providers. Would you say that was better or worse?
Well, I was paying a tenner a month with 4Gb data before Brexit because there were very few airtime providers and I'm now paying £8 an month and getting 20Gb data and there’s more airtime providers. Would you say that was better or worse?
Its only a part of the deal, and that is more down to competition, than it is to brexit.

Are you trying to claim it's a brexit benefit?
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Which is what I’ve said all along. Strange that there’s more competition coming into the market since Brexit, don’t you think?
The price is part of the deal, competition keeps it competitive.

The fact that the ROAMING part of the deal is now something you have to think about, whereas before you didn't, is worse than it was pre Brexit. That's not competition, it's different facts.
Hardly a 'workaround'. Practically everyone is offering it. I’d say it’s harder to find a contract without inclusive roaming than it is to find one with it.
So some people are worse off and some people are not. Hardly good news.
But Brexit was supposed to fùck things up wasn’t it? Seems to have made competition thrive.
You are confusing 2 things.

1 Competition usually helps with prices.

2 Since brexit, roaming charges are something you have to think about. Pre brexit, you didn't.

Do you understand they are not the same thing?
So are you saying it’s only the hard of thinking types that will struggle with getting inclusive roaming charges these days?
No, I'm saying its different now to how it was pre brexit.

Worse, not better.
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