Anyone on here still pay roaming charges?

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You just suspect? Why - No proof?
The cheapest I've found. But I'm not so silly as to suspect that my research is sufficiently extensive to make assumptive claims.
Have you resorted to querying every one of my words? :rolleyes:
Worse in the sense that If I was getting my haircut for a tenner from a barbers that was a ten minute walk away and I didn’t like his attitude towards me so I now get my haircut from another barber, also for a tenner but a twelve minute walk away? In other words, the absolute minute extra effort needed for me to feel comfortable with my decision to move barbers isn’t worth worrying or splitting hairs about but you would put that down as a 'worse' in your book. You must have the same 'book' as Himmy that makes a few weeks 8 or 9 weeks when it suits him. Have I got that right?
So you agree it's not much different, but it is worse
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Yep, you can't work it our for yourself
That makes no sense. I’ve worked out that you can easily get cheap roaming mobile contracts. Many are telling me they can’t but they won’t tell me what they do have. Oh, I forgot, I might 'weaponise' it, won’t I? :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
That makes no sense. I’ve worked out that you can easily get cheap roaming mobile contracts. Many are telling me they can’t but they won’t tell me what they do have. Oh, I forgot, I might 'weaponise' it, won’t I? :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
You'll weaponise it when it suits you, and that might be sometime in the future. Why risk it? :rolleyes:
That makes no sense. I’ve worked out that you can easily get cheap roaming mobile contracts. Many are telling me they can’t but they won’t tell me what they do have. Oh, I forgot, I might 'weaponise' it, won’t I? :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Many are telling you that its something you now have to do, which you didn't have to before.

You really are struggling with this.

But if this what you call a benefit, then there wasn't much wrong with what we had before was there. In fact, it was better.
That makes no sense. I’ve worked out that you can easily get cheap roaming mobile contracts.
You can get reasonably cheap sans engagement plans in Rep of Ireland, which include unlimited EU and UK roaming, and capped charges.
But again it requires some time for the phone to be used in RoI.

Pre brexit, it wasnt even something to think about.
That’s right. As I said, pre Brexit I didn’t think about it, I just paid £10 for 4Gb. Post Brexit I’m paying £8 for 20Gb. That’s not worse in my book. My thinking about it cost me nothing.
That’s right. As I said, pre Brexit I didn’t think about it, I just paid £10 for 4Gb. Post Brexit I’m paying £8 for 20Gb. That’s not worse in my book. My thinking about it cost me nothing.
So you didn't go looking for any deal?

Or you're judgement is clouded?
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