Anyone on here still pay roaming charges?

Protection from what? Higher prices? Loss of roaming? Just go elsewhere if that happens. What have they done to you with this less consumer protection?
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Don’t be daft, there’s nothing wrong with thinking about things, we do it every day. How hard is it? You had to 'think' about what network and mobile plan you wanted or needed before Brexit. It’s no different now. What do you ACTUALLY have to think extra about now?
You're not really as hard of thinking as you are trying to make out are you ? Tell me you're not.

Do you understand pre brexit, roaming was not a part of a plan that you even gave a 2nd thought. You are clearly demonstrating that now you give it a lot of thought.

It's not as easy now, as it was pre Brexit. Not by a lot, agreed. But that's not the point. The point is, its not the same, or better. It's worse.
How many pages have you been going on trying to say it's better ?
Himmy took it off topic from post #12 onwards and turned it into yet another Brexit thread. Perhaps someone could start a separate Brexit thread - I dint think anyone has ever mentioned it before….Would you like to answer the thread title question?

Do you understand pre brexit, roaming was not a part of a plan that you even gave a 2nd thought. You are clearly demonstrating that now you give it a lot of thought.

I suspect that most people don't give it a thought until they're charged for something they were not aware of. Or someone else who has been charged brings it to their attention.
Only then do they start looking for the deal that includes roaming.
But even then, they won't scrutinise the T&Cs, so they will be charged after the time or data limitations are breached.

People don't include a criteria in their searches unless it's an issue for them, or it may become an issue.
Himmy took it off topic from post #12 onwards and turned it into yet another Brexit thread. Perhaps someone could start a separate Brexit thread - I dint think anyone has ever mentioned it before….Would you like to answer the thread title question?
The blame game. :rolleyes:
The third sentence in your OP:
There was a thread on here but someone had it locked. As above, anyone still paying them? I know there was a certain amount of glee for some people when they were reintroduced after Brexit
Himmy took it off topic from post #12 onwards and turned it into yet another Brexit thread. Perhaps someone could start a separate Brexit thread - I dint think anyone has ever mentioned it before….Would you like to answer the thread title question?
200 posts later you want to move away from trying to say it's better?

As regards the title question . It's now something I have to plan for. I didn't before. It's worse
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