At least the Tories aimed for higher backhanders than a pair of specs and some new strides.

So the key question is what is the open secret within Westminster about Keir Starmer?
We judge our politicians on personality more than policy, but he’s surely too bland to make conspirscy theories stick even for the hard of thinking.
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There's a lot of people rattled.

We could always have carried on with the Tories and their get rich quick buddies
Back to the original thread, the lady saying the govt is off the scale with sleaze and nepotism is a ridiculous exaggeration even by the standards of the tabloids etc that have given the story legs. She is common sense on the gender issue, and starmy's change of heart on it was completely cynical, but she is just publicity hungry on this. Gee Bee news job?
Back to the original thread, the lady saying the govt is off the scale with sleaze and nepotism is a ridiculous exaggeration even by the standards of the tabloids etc that have given the story legs. She is common sense on the gender issue, and starmy's change of heart on it was completely cynical, but she is just publicity hungry on this. Gee Bee news job?
I perceive it as a genuine protest against the second Child Allowance and the withdrawal of the WFA.
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