Barmy Trump

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Is Forrige back in the UK? The operation to detach him from The Orange Idiot's knob, must have been successful. (y)
Forrige made himself leader of Reform because he got the boot by Trump

He must be pizzed off having the irritation of being an MP, he probably has to spend about 5 hours a week justifying why he does FA as an MP
Well that's highly suspicious. It must be a conspiracy Obviously another attempt to deny the Republicans' democracy.
(I haven't worked out what you meant yet, but what I said is what it must be....) o_Oo_Oo_Oo_Oo_O
It can only be a politically inspired conspiracy theory. At their most effective before the facts or lack of them have come out
He has started some sort of action accusing the UK of interfering with US elections even though collaboration between our and their parties is normal and not illegal. Sounds like it probably wont get anywhere but still a useful idea to use.
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I wonder if anybody will mention Fartage.

Remember where you heard it first - last Friday
The only way he can make the claim is to assume that Labour are providing money to Harris, They aren't Apart from that it is legal on both sides of the pond and known to go on with like minded parties.
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