I don't think there is any doubt some thoughts were aimed at herd immunity and probably the economy as well. However when action was called for in the house the reply was behaviourists and requests for the information that provided was denied. I'd hope that wasn't some deaths needed to get people to take it seriously. Maybe it was but conditions produced more of an overshoot than expected. Temper that with Boris and hand shaking. That ties in with get some more infected / not taking it seriously / accepting the consequences.
Deaths - be careful as people were treated that had been in care homes etc. Some were also deemed to be not worth taking to hospital. Ambulance drivers had to make decisions at one point. There were some you aren't bad enough yet who died at home. No info on how many in these areas. Excess death is very high. 64k ??? I think.
Factors that increase chances of death are kidney, liver, heart and diabetes which often fits in with obesity especially being pre diabetic. Then comes age, the main one. They are quiet on BAME as they want to try and include all factors and it sounds like they didn't look that closely for a while.
The care home problem looked at in detail may well turn out to be lack of PPE for the people who work there and maybe isolation problems. Testing too once it took hold.
The whole idea of what is being done is to reduce the probability of becoming infected. The end game is better treatment or a vaccine but if chances are low deaths accumulate far more slowly. Eg Korea etc. Have to wonder about the standard of treatment provided as well. They have had problems from lack of equipment other than ventilators. No country really gives any idea of how well various groups of the population have been isolated.
Maybe the best way of looking at deaths is this one. 45 seems to relate to more chance of a longer stay in hospital.
Last 3 may change, It's been updated to include Pillar 2 testing (lab rather than NHS) Posted due to Motorbiking's post. Might do something similar with where the UK's population is as well. Only because I have some doubts about certain numbers that have been mentioned in various places. Not sure if there is anything more granular on deaths.
There is also reason to wonder why distancing seems to have worked more effectively in some places but the post is long enough.