Big Numbers today

Some say 10 times the risk between 2 and 1m but I suspect there are many factors. When you look at the rules around the world, there is no correlation between distance and infection rates. In fact it’s the reverse almost.
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I did see a report than when you halve distancing from 2m to 1m, the number of infections doubles.

So we can expect to lose twice as many Expendable Work Units.

Presumably we have plenty so this is considered of no consequence.

The one I heard was 100 people in a room and one infected. Can't remember figure for 2m by figure for 1m was 13. They tracked one infected person in some building in the alps. Small restaurant I think - from memory 3 known infected people. Asymptotics?

John should say Old Expendable Maybe Working Units. The SAGE suggestion on people who should isolate to prevent clogging up the system was 65. Gov increased the age to 70. It's difficult to see what effect that has had on infections but if pillar 1 and 2 are added it looks like it has and 60+ have taken some care. Leaves me wondering what will happen when they go out to play especially as I am one.

Number of acute respiratory outbreaks. An outbreak is 2 or more cases. By institution.

In the meantime - lots of people are at risk of losing their jobs if their industries cannot restart and the government cannot fund critical care on air. So a balance is needed. As the infection rate drops so does the risk of people being next to a person with the virus.
As the infection rate drops so does the risk of people being next to a person with the virus.

That's the aim. The tricky part is how low it needs to get and also what happens with people who have had it already.

Some seem to think just use herd immunity. It's not possible to put a number on deaths but from antibody testing only a low proportion of people have caught it. Pillar 1 confirmed cases that needed treatment runs at 1.1m but also includes the NHS and critical care so needed treatment can't be determined but what can be said is that many more would have died without treatment. Whole population the number could easily exceed 1m.

Lots of of noise about distancing. Best believe them. They are introducing dates for change after a fashion and when infections are low enough distancing will change. Seems it about 6 in 10,000 (just on the brief) They have already mentioned that safe distancing is different back to back and side to side. The 2M is aimed at getting the numbers down and is. At some point businesses will get suggestions on how to layout work what ever it is and I don't think that will be long in coming now. Doubt that businesses will be able to use them immediately - as usual.

Unemployment. I suspect they will be doing something about that and would have been anyway at some point. We have seen 3m before. It recovers and isn't any fun at all for those effected. Having seen rather large numbers going that way and surviving myself it isn't much fun wondering about ending up like that either.
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It will go a lot higher than 3m unless we can get the economy moving soon.
It will go a lot higher than 3m unless we can get the economy moving soon.

The last 3m one was probably significantly higher than that. There are 8.5m economically inactive in the UK. Feb 2020. That should exclude people out of working age.1m of those truly are inactive. Just over 1m are retired early. There is a break down here

So you might say the last 3m was really 5, possibly more.
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The knock on of that is huge given the double whammy of loss of tax income and cost of benefit.
The knock on of that is huge given the double whammy of loss of tax income and cost of benefit.

The latest rumble from the jungle that sounds like it's true and only mentioned for seconds is that recovery will be more rapid going the way they currently are. That does make sense. Given the bad start the slower end gives them an advantage as well - see what happens in other countries. China has had to clamp down again which gives and idea of what can happen. Say the same happened in London later on? Commentators are "surprised" just how quickly China reacted.

I think there are other aspects as well. The 65+ population levels. Most spend money. ;) I suspect often more than average. They may have less coming in but outgoings that have to be met are lower. They have announced that vaccine if it works will be available for all 50 year olds up. it's currently in the process of being produced to get doses out asap. Death wont be the only problem in that age group. Months of recovery can be.

Recovery needs people to spend. That creates jobs. People on the dole spend - trouble is others have to support them. They do add to GDP though? ;) ? as it wouldn't surprise me if they are included.

All depends on background levels of CV19. Tracking being needed to reduce that even further and also control future outbreaks. Far too many trackers just in case. If all are ever needed there wouldn't be time to build up numbers. That's how we started. PHE's tracking wasn't fit for purpose. The only number that is must assume another full wave. :( The press reporting on this is stupid. Bit like nightingale - hopefully never needed. This area makes a phone app that can do the job thoroughly a rather good idea.

Brexit is interesting. Go the USA way which means a more unequal population and wont suddenly create domestic companies that do well. Or go Taiwan. People on the dole train to do something that may not relate to what they did previously. Perhaps make the new job ones where there are vacancies. Or make us well educated cheap labour and hope companies rush in. A bit Taiwan. Design and develop fantastic things. Not all can do that sort of work. Some of this sort of work is done in the UK funded from elsewhere. We're cheap for this type of work compared with others. That doesn't make it an attractive area to work in and there isn't that much of it about.
Might interest some

Overall SARS-CoV-2 antibody seroprevalence (%) in blood donors by PHE centres, using Euroimmun test adjusted for sensitivity (82.5%) and specificity (99.1%) and 95% confidence intervals (dashed lines)


;) Even if just about the comment that it might say someone has none when they have. I assume this test is the one that needs a decent quantity of blood.

No info as far as I am aware on the long term check for antibody persistence.
So, where's the vaccine ?
Has no one created one ?

The oxford one seems to be the most advanced, They are preparing to make loads before they know if it's safe or that it works. Human trials using people from the Thames valley has been mentioned and on going. Few weeks now.
The oxford one seems to be the most advanced, They are preparing to make loads before they know if it's safe or that it works. Human trials using people from the Thames valley has been mentioned and on going. Few weeks now.

The trials are in multiple locations nationally. A call went out for volunteers in my area a few weeks ago. I tried to join but I'm too old (over 55) and have health issues that exclude me.
I thought it was a bit strange that they mentioned the Thames Valley. Reason given - people travelling extreme distances to be in the trial.
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