Bounce or no bounce?

long live teflon Don at least he he had the decency to accept the families invitation to the ceremony for the soldiers killed by Biden/Harris policies .
Harris couldnt be ar5ed travelling 4 miles for it then tried to make political Gain completely ignoring the families continuing grief .
The woman is a car crash
Well this is odd

Gas112 interprets Trumps visit as “decency”

Everybody else on the planet says it was a disrespectful photo op.

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Not what the families of the afghan fallen think which is why they invited him .
I'm not convinced you just turn up at a national cemetery, both the families and the Don would have required permission, including respecting the rules, which he clearly didn't. It was a political photo shoot. Even our politicians don't use war memorials for casual photo opportunities like that.
I'm not convinced you just turn up at a national cemetery, both the families and the Don would have required permission, including respecting the rules, which he clearly didn't. It was a political photo shoot. Even our politicians don't use war memorials for casual photo opportunities like that.
suggest you look into it a bit more the families have been on news channels praising him for accepting their invite and being there for them since there family members were killed and what they say about the photos . Search youtube you will find stuff on there
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suggest you look into it a bit more the families have been on news channels praising him for accepting their invite and being there for them since there family members were killed and what they say about the photos . Search youtube you will find stuff on there
I can’t find any

Seems you made it up
Harris currently leads national polls by about 3 percentage points on average, but the Electoral College is what actually determines the outcome. That means to win the presidency, Harris and Trump need to pick up as many swing states as possible. And as of midday Tuesday, state polling averages from publications like Silver Bulletin, Real Clear Politics, FiveThirtyEight, and the New York Times point to hair-raisingly tight contests in the most important swing states.

Wisconsin and Michigan are currently looking best for Harris: All four polling averages mentioned above agree she is narrowly ahead there, by about 1 to 3 percentage points. But those states would not be enough to give Harris an Electoral College majority. The state of play is murkier in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Nevada, and Arizona, where the averages vary. Though some averages of these states show Harris very slightly ahead (by about 1 percentage point or less) in each of those, others show tied races (in Pennsylvania and Nevada) or very narrow Trump leads (in Arizona and Georgia). In the remaining swing state, North Carolina, Trump leads polling averages by a very tiny margin of less than 1 percentage point.

So, with only two months to go, it's too close to call but at least Russian influence during this election will be more closely monitored than in 2016, and sanctions on executives at RT have told them in no uncertain terms to keep their nose out.
I'm not convinced you just turn up at a national cemetery, both the families and the Don would have required permission, including respecting the rules, which he clearly didn't. It was a political photo shoot. Even our politicians don't use war memorials for casual photo opportunities like that.
Trump = scum.
suggest you look into it a bit more the families have been on news channels praising him for accepting their invite and being there for them since there family members were killed and what they say about the photos . Search youtube you will find stuff on there
Not what I read.

Any links ?
Not what I read.

Any links ?
Gas112 is only looking at Trump propaganda like Fox News.

I’ve searched on the internet and found there are a few gold star families in support of Trump, but most of the news shows Trump has used the death of soldiers for political point scoring.

I notice gas112 is using the deaths of soldiers for political point scoring.
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Gas112 is only looking at Trump propaganda like Fox News.

I’ve searched on the internet and found nothing but condemnation for Trumps actions at Arlington, I can’t even find any of these families that supposedly invited him.

You've only got to see the MAGA morons being interviewed: in their eyes and even when presented with the ridiculousness of their own proclamations, they won't back down.
I’ve searched on the internet and found there are a few gold star families in support of Trump,
So you admit found the actual people that invited trump/ harris and biden to the service which only one had the decency to turn up to despite harris only being 4 miles away . And who are standing up for trump glad we cleared that up
Don't make me laugh: Orange only does what suits himself.

"Suckers" and "losers", that's what he called those who died in the service of their country, while he weaselled out of it.
do you have factual proof he actually said that ?
do you have factual proof he actually said that ?

I'll take the word of his chief of staff John Kelly, a 4-star general, to whom he said it. (y)

Who's word will you be taking? The denials of the pathological and Olympic-standard liar-in-chief, Fat Orange Candyfloss Head?
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