Bounce or no bounce?

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In the debate Trump will lie, lie, lie and then lie some more

Kamala Harris has to find an effective way to deal with that.

Trump will also try to intimidate her like he did with Hiliary Clinton.

The Trump supporters on here seem to like bullies and liars, they think JD Vance is great
In the debate Trump will lie, lie, lie and then lie some more

Kamala Harris has to find an effective way to deal with that.

Trump will also try to intimidate her like he did with Hiliary Clinton.

The Trump supporters on here seem to like bullies and liars, they think JD Vance is great
What the channels hosting debates should do, is advertise their own fact checking hour long special, immediately after the debate. Trump would drop out of all of them. Better, strap-line the fact checks live as they need challenging.
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It’s the populist playbook: persuade the voters you are on their side fighting against “the establishment” whilst simultaneously cutting taxes for the wealthiest, cutting public services, and cutting human rights and worker protections

As we can see in this forum, sadly people fall for it
It’s the populist playbook: persuade the voters you are on their side fighting against “the establishment” whilst simultaneously cutting taxes for the wealthiest, cutting public services, and cutting human rights and worker protections

Improving living standards, sending less people off to war, creating employment, reducing immigration.

Improving living standards, sending less people off to war, creating employment, reducing immigration.

shallow minded fickos believe that sh1t…..the reality as usual is more complex

Trump benefitted from a strong economy he inherited from Obama

Trump's economic policies encouraged short-term growth at the expense of flexibility to deal with unforeseen crises. Things like keeping interest rates low and large corporate tax cuts that massively drove up the deficit

the President has very little effect on the economy as a whole, especially in the short term. Long term is a very different story, as infrastructure improvements, investments into research, development and education pays dividends decades later.

The idiot Trump forced Fed to keep interest rates low
as infrastructure improvements,
State-wide budget windfalls to red states, voted against by all red state congress-folk - then later trying to take credit for their success. Straight out of the Trump full-of-shít playbook.
Shame Labour will do even less.
You will spend your whole life voting against your best interests

You support people like Johnson, Farage, Trump….wealthy people who are telling you lies, they don’t care about you they care about themselves.

Trump once said: “I love the uneducated”
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