Bounce or no bounce?

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Improving living standards, sending less people off to war, creating employment, reducing immigration.

Actually Biden has done rather well in some areas of that especially more jobs.

Some Trump supporters are happy as tax changes put a bit more in their pockets but neglect even more going to some. Biden wants a fix on the higher return end.

Immigration. His numbers relate to illegals that are in the USA. Other estimates 1/2 it. Given how long people live there has been many years to allow them to build up. The boarder with Mexico is rather long making the walled section a joke. He says built in the right place but they just change were they cross. LOL So build a bit more. The entire length is way way longer to a stupid extent,

Biden has tried a method where they know who has arrived their fate to be determined. Later the bill that Trump quashed. That mostly involved strengthening Boarder Force. He has also done things on the Mexico side. Numbers similar to Trump have also been deported.

:) An interesting aside,
Panama on Tuesday started repatriating undocumented migrants on flights financed by the United States. The move comes less than two months after José Raúl Mulino was sworn in as Panama's president.
Mitt Romney says “we don’t need a country run on anger on hate, it might win short term at the ballot box……”

Why do fickos like gas112 and Filly think Trump would be good for America

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long live teflon Don at least he he had the decency to accept the families invitation to the ceremony for the soldiers killed by Biden/Harris policies .
Harris couldnt be ar5ed travelling 4 miles for it then tried to make political Gain completely ignoring the families continuing grief .
The woman is a car crash
long live teflon Don
The convicted felon and rapist?

at least he he had the decency to accept the families invitation to the ceremony
long live teflon Don at least he he had the decency to accept the families invitation to the ceremony for the soldiers killed by Biden/Harris policies .
Harris couldnt be ar5ed travelling 4 miles for it then tried to make political Gain completely ignoring the families continuing grief .
The woman is a car crash
He has a history of disrespecting soldiers and their families, it’s all completely political and nasty with it
He has a history of disrespecting soldiers and their families, it’s all completely political and nasty with it
Not what the families of the afghan fallen think which is why they invited him .
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