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You are just like Notch7 - you can’t admit that you are wrong
Wrong? I'm speculating, i.e. opinion, dummy. But I'd bet it's pretty close to the truth, i.e. crochety old duffers trying to get back on top, for the feeling of being avenged for causing the Brexit catastrophook.
You are just like Notch7 - you can’t admit that you are wrong
You’ve never provided any counter argument that proves I’ve been wrong….because I haven’t.

The problem you have with being a Tory, is that you are always wrong.
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It’s now over 1M - doubled in just a few hours.
ooh ooh ooh please sir: I bet it’s not covered by the BBC

Yup massive news blackout, I bet Klaus Schwab has contacted the Beeb through the toaster and told them to keep Schtum.
Ok then lets do this then
The biggest problem in my village is white teenage males, that leave litter, do graffiti, hang around in groups by the church
Why dont you go and take your dog for a walk - your only friend - make sure you avoid the church and those youngsters and whilst you are out there maybe pick up some of that litter in your village and you can have a little guilty W.A.N.K over that copy of the daily mail you found in the bushes.
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