
notb665 said:
WoodYouLike said:
Low ceiling? :LOL: :LOL:

Not in DIY stores!!

In our local Wickes, lovely high ceilings until you get to the checkouts. There they have installed false ceilings at about 2.3m, So that 3m length of copper pipe has to be carried horizontally. Well planned Wickes. :evil:
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nstreet said:
notb665 said:
WoodYouLike said:
Low ceiling? :LOL: :LOL:

Not in DIY stores!!

In our local Wickes, lovely high ceilings until you get to the checkouts. There they have installed false ceilings at about 2.3m, So that 3m length of copper pipe has to be carried horizontally. Well planned Wickes. :evil:

same in the old B&Q in Donny, used to be round the corner from our house, nice and handy. Nice very high warehouse ceiling, but they fitted the offices above the shop floor in one corner of the shop, where they lowered the ceiling to 2.4m, possibly even a bit lower as i remember carrying something 2.4m long and having to horizontal it at that point. Then they moved to a new building at the other side of Donny, a good 10 miles away. Great. Really easy to access. :rolleyes: You have to carry it horizontally at the checkout anyway, so the cashier can scan the item.
AdamW said:
7) People who can only work in one system of units: you say something in celsius and they say "Ooooh, I can't figure that out, give it to me proper in Fahrenheit!", or you give a mass in pounds and they say "oooh, what's that in kilos?!"

Yeah. lol. When I say a temperature in Celsius, and someone says "Can I have that in English, please?", I adopt a mock German accent and say "Oo ya, zat reelly Englische temperature skale, propozed by ze German physicist Gabriel Fahrenheit."
good list you miserable young git ..lol

btw wickes staff are really switched on/clever(said sarcastically!) they are B/Q rejects ..lol
if you try to ask about anything DIY they have NO IDEA AT ALL an as the wickes manager told me if I need help go up the road to B/Q as they employ guys in each stock area to give advice at wickes no one is allowed to give advice/help ......
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Moz said:
good list you miserable young git ..lol

One tries :LOL:

at wickes no one is allowed to give advice/help ......

That's probably a good thing :LOL: They have those leaflets though, the "Good Ideas" ones... including the one I saw on "How to install a combi boiler" :eek: Hmmmmm, cos if you need a Wickes leaflet on how to install a gas appliance, that's a really "Good Idea" :LOL:

Right, I've got another petty annoyance that somehow really gets to me:

The term "quadrilogy".

Someone, somewhere, sat in the marketing office of 20th Century Fox thought "Hang on, we've got FOUR Alien films now... but a trilogy only has THREE..."

It must have been about 2 o'clock on Friday afternoon, and he had to go to his child's sportsday. So he passed the copies onto the only person left in the office, a junior by the name of Spazzy McGimp, giving him instruction to finish the design of the box and send it off to the factory by 3 o'clock.

So, Spazzy decided "Hmmm, tri means three, quad means four, so I'll just call it a quadrilogy!!! DURRRRRR!!!". :rolleyes:

Now, if Mr McGimp had consulted his dictionary, he would have noticed that the roots of trilogy are Greek. He would also have noticed that "quad" is Latin. He might even have found that there was a perfectly good, correct, proper word for his meaning. That word is "tetralogy". From the greek, tetra, i.e. four (tetrahedron, tetris etc.)

So, if Spazzy is reading, please note that I have now forced my tongue behind my bottom lip, am banging my elbows together and going "NEEEURRRGH!!!" satirically in honour of your stupidity. :mad: