Build, build, build.

I would hazard a guess you don't have much experience of professional and executive level employment, in multinational businesses where employee location is less important than flexibility to hire or fire..
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If the above pledge is carried out, we will have the toughest employment rights in Europe from an employer perspective.
It's intended to prevent business from deliberately getting shut of people because of changes when they have been employed that long. How that is done and what it means - need to wait for the "paper work" to come out.
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Mate, your nonsense is only fit for ridicule and great hilarity - for a while. The loony-left fringe will lap it up though.

Considered response!! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Then why not tell us all about this rule that you imagined, that says failed asylum seekers should be repatriated to the last safe country of travel.

Was it something you misheard in the pub? Or was it something you dreamt up while fantasizing about asylum seekers?
Your bigoted imagination is so easily exposed.
Without a doubt. The word play with his latest name and endless multiquotes. Textbook.

Suppose we should feel pity really. :giggle:
How about telling us about the rule that you think exists, about asylum seekers being returned to their last safe country of travel?

Them's the rules, you said. Tell us about these rules, instead of running scared and resorting to silly accusations to avoid your embarrassment caused by your own misplaced bigotry.
Our New Deal will include basic individual rights from day one for all workers, ending the current arbitrary system that leaves workers waiting up to two years to access basic rights of protection against unfair dismissal,

which motorbiking falsely claimed said

labour will stop you firing unwanted employees

So what he wants to do is to remove workers rights to protection from wrongful dismissal.
which motorbiking falsely claimed said

So what he wants to do is to remove workers rights to protection from wrongful dismissal.
You can't trust those old Tories. They still linger with the stench of Thatcher.

Greedy parasites.
How about telling us about the rule that you think exists, about asylum seekers being returned to their last safe country of travel?

Them's the rules, you said. Tell us about these rules, instead of running scared and resorting to silly accusations to avoid your embarrassment caused by your own misplaced bigotry.
Hello Himmi
Hi Himmy I did find it a bit sad that you resurrected a post before you joined and again like some on here completely missed the point.

Don't try and reply as I won't respond but suggest you get the help you need.
Hi Himmy I did find it a bit sad that you resurrected a post before you joined and again like some on here completely missed the point.

Don't try and reply as I won't respond but suggest you get the help you need.
I'm surprised you weren't expecting his seasonal return, like the monsoon rains, during high Summer.
Umm yes Odds it been coming a while now. I hope he is well and is getting help. It's a real shame as he / she / they could add a great deal to the forum.
which motorbiking falsely claimed said

So what he wants to do is to remove workers rights to protection from wrongful dismissal.
Your lies wont change that fact that you are wrong and my statements are entirely correct. I'm not proposing to remove any rights. Employees do not have the right to protection from unfair dismissal for the first 2 years of employment. This is currently Law in the UK.

Labour plan to change that to day 1. If you continue reading, you will find it further describes a "Workers Council" similar to that which exists in Germany. Not good news for those hunting jobs on the global stage. Fine for people who are retired and don't care.
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