Can Kamala Harris win?

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I worry for world stability in the run up to the election due to the Middle East conflict.
If KH looks likely to win, I think that Israel will suffer for USA's support.

As Israel is intent on targeting Hamas and Hezbollah leaders in Iran and Lebanon, (and possibly anywhere else they fancy), It appears to me that they are trying to foment an exaggeration in the Middle East into an all out Middle East conflict, in order to guarantee US's (and other western nations) continued support.
In an Iran - Israel conflict, it's obvious that the Western world will fall into line behind Israel.

Without a conflagration of the Middle East conflict I don't see any reasonable exits for Netanyahu and his policies.
No ***t, I wonder why that might be?
Perverted Christian belief that the Jews are the chosen people?
Anti-Muslim sentiment?
Historical guilt conscience?
Refusal to accept that taking territory from Palestinians was an historical mistake?

There are many possible reasons.
Most will prefer their own explanation.
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As Israel is intent on targeting Hamas and Hezbollah leaders in Iran and Lebanon

I'd rather that, than killing of thousands of civilians.

And yes, I am aware that Israel has the option of doing neither, but the evidence is that is extremely unlikely to happen.
I'd rather that, than killing of thousands of civilians.

And yes, I am aware that Israel has the option of doing neither, but the evidence is that is extremely unlikely to happen.
In targeting leaders Israel is also killing civilians, and they don't seem to care how many civilians are killed in their unsuccessful or successful strikes.
It's also probably contrary to International Law to carry out extra-Judicial killings on another country's territory.
Israel has adopted a policy of assassinations, much earlier than its racist assassination policy that was renewed during the Palestinian uprising against the occupation. It goes back as far as 1947, when Israeli terrorists assassinated special UN Representative Count Bernadette1
International law prohibits without exception the extra-judicial killing of protected persons. Israel's policy of assassination clearly amounts to intentional or willful killing; such killings violate international humanitarian law, and human rights protocols

But Israel clearly has no regard for International Law.
Nearly 1,500 Palestinians have been unlawfully killed by Israeli forces in the West Bank in the past 16 years – 98 percent of them civilians, according to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).
If KH looks likely to win, I think that Israel will suffer for USA's support.
A number of pundits feel that she wont change the basics of the US Israel stance just as Biden hasn't. if she does it wont be anything like immediate. Your listening to electioneering. The views of the US public on the war are shifting away from where they were but the age profile probably still holds. Support in general for Israel increases with age range.
:) I feel that the pundits in this area are likely to be correct. However Gaza etc currently just continues.

Meanwhile Israel has bumped off Hamas's lead political negotiator. The head of Hamas political arm. He was visiting Tehran. Qatar are asking how the hell negotiations can be held when there are actions like this going on?
Meanwhile Israel has bumped off Hamas's lead political negotiator. The head of Hamas political arm. He was visiting Tehran. Qatar are asking how the hell negotiations can be held when there are actions like this going on?

Israel does not want a ceasefire or a settlement.

Every day the genocide continues, every day food, water, medical aid is prevented, every day disease spreads, more Palestinians die.

That is what Israel wants.
A number of pundits feel that she wont change the basics of the US Israel stance just as Biden hasn't. if she does it wont be anything like immediate.
She has already shown her displeasure with the nature of the war, with Netanyahu.
The views of the US public on the war are shifting away from where they were but the age profile probably still holds. Support in general for Israel increases with age range.
You haven't noticed the age difference between Joe and Kamal?
I find it incomprehensible that Israel can know the precise whereabouts, to the precise building, of Hamas, Hezbola and Iranian leaders, even when they are far away in foreign countries.
Yet they did not know about the October 7th incursion, until it happened, under their noses. :unsure:
I find it incomprehensible that Israel can know the precise whereabouts, to the precise building, of Hamas, Hezbola and Iranian leaders, even when they are far away in foreign countries.
The theories goes that they are fed with info from western embassies and you might include spies even their own.
Yet they did not know about the October 7th incursion, until it happened, under their noses.
That relates to a conspiracy theory as the attack justifies Benjamin's current actions.

LOL Age differences - they are much larger than you seem to think and Harris as reported does need support from the young.
The theories goes that they are fed with info from western embassies and you might include spies even their own.
I think you'll find that Israeli intelligence gives a fair bit of info to western agencies also,
That relates to a conspiracy theory as the attack justifies Benjamin's current actions.
It's a possible explanation, I'll say again, it's incomprehensible that Israel can know exactly which building leaders are in in a foreign country, yet claim to not know what is happening in their own occupied territory.

LOL Age differences - they are much larger than you seem to think and Harris as reported does need support from the young.
The age difference has nothing to do with the reporting of what Hamas does.
It was about your comment on support for Israel.
It was about your comment on support for Israel.
Which actually is all I was posting about so why the other comment? You would need to look at a very complex poll to see the point and actually one which is even more complex than the ones the politicians are likely to use.
Which actually is all I was posting about so why the other comment? You would need to look at a very complex poll to see the point and actually one which is even more complex than the ones the politicians are likely to use.
Sorry, I misread your comment.
LOL Age differences - .... and Harris as reported does need support from the young.
I thought it said "... and Hamas as reported does need support from the young."
This is the latest. But of course it is only one poll!

Former President Donald Trump has lost his swing state lead since Vice President Kamala Harris joined the race, according to a new Bloomberg/Morning Consult poll that found Trump ahead in just two of seven battlegrounds that will decide the election.

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