Can Kamala Harris win?

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I have no real idea but what i 100% support is Kamala's committment to change abortion rights for women which in the US and the way it's heading there is absolutely FUBAR.
That alone she deserves to topple the orange immortal one (with a special support role from Hulk Hogan of all people.)
If only all these countries could live at peace, then the USA wouldn't need to be 'the world's police' as they like to call themselves.

Unfortunately, many countries are and always will be incapable of peace, seems to me they essentially don't want it (peace that is.)

Cue lots of replies saying it's the fault of western democracies ...
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If only all these countries could live at peace, then the USA wouldn't need to be 'the world's police' as they like to call themselves.
The USA (and the western democracies before them) has on many occasions been the world's poachers.
Maybe there's a clue in there as to the explanation for conflicts elsewhere.
Unfortunately, many countries are and always will be incapable of peace, seems to me they essentially don't want it (peace that is.)

Cue lots of replies saying it's the fault of western democracies ...
The USA (and the western democracies before them) has on many occasions been the world's poachers.
Maybe there's a clue in there as to the explanation for conflicts elsewhere.
I don't disagree with this, historically (including recent history) our actions leave a lot to be desired.

However for a number of reasons, even accounting for that, some countries seem incapable of living peacefully, whatever that actually means in our wonderful world!
I don't disagree with this, historically (including recent history) our actions leave a lot to be desired.

However for a number of reasons, even accounting for that, some countries seem incapable of living peacefully, whatever that actually means in our wonderful world!
Outside interference fomenting internal strife.
The natural order of things is equality, equilibrium and stability.
Upset one factor and equilibrium/equality stability is lost. Nature tries to regain equilibrium and equality stability.
Unfortunately, many countries are and always will be incapable of peace
The problem with the way humans organise themselves is that people who become leaders are mostly those least suitable.

Dictators are highly driven to succeed, and sadly they do.
And they are highly manipulative, Trump being a prime example.
I find it incomprehensible that Israel can know the precise whereabouts, to the precise building, of Hamas, Hezbola and Iranian leaders, even when they are far away in foreign countries.

And terminate them with a precision strike, great isn't it.
The USA stirred up something of a hornet's nest in Iraq, Syria and Lybia.
Maybe! It seems such a long time ago. I thought there was some link with Iraq somehow?

Arab Spring may have overlapped, it's all more or less still going on, Israel news always commands centre stage so you hear less of the real problems.
Death toll in the Syrian civil war is over 300,000 and counting, plus the displaced.
Arab Spring may have overlapped, it's all more or less still going on, Israel news always commands centre stage so you hear less of the real problems.
Death toll in the Syrian civil war is over 300,000 and counting, plus the displaced.

I've just been looking on Wikipedia. So yes, it did start with the Arab Spring. And then over the next few years it just became a terrible mess. Russia got involved, then America, then Turkey. I can't believe how much of this I have forgotten!
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