Can Kamala Harris win?

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I see the mods still let @Notch7 abuse forum members, when they haven’t even communicated with him.

Perhaps a little warning for him to keep things civil
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What is weak about not even getting a single vote of confidence that someone thought you were up to the task ?

The thing is, nobody cares. Also, Trump going on and on about it just makes voters remember that he tried to overturn a lawful election.
I see the mods still let @Notch7 abuse forum members, when they haven’t even communicated with him.

Perhaps a little warning for him to keep things civil
NWGS is a supporter of Trump and Boris….sees them as role models
Harris has a few what could be called major problems.

Too left wing. So Trump now says communist. Some US people are suckers for that even though she and other democrats that have faced that are nothing remotely like extreme. A Harris convention image created with suitable flags and colours added. Another word use by some US is red rather than communist.

Immigration. Her brief under Biden was to look at why rather than control it. Biden has deported loads but more arrive. Trump says deport criminals. ;) I wonder if they already do. Maybe she will say the same. a lot of US care about this area but views as usual do vary. Too many figures. Problems of doing something about it don't seem to be considered.

Some Trumpists say their take home pay is higher due to Trump. Fact is for some it's a lot higher and Biden intended to trim it back. No change for some. Trump can only afford to do so much of that. Some US do worry about their deficit and the state getting near to bankruptcy recently.

Inflation. Many US unlike here blame the gov. As Biden backed Ukraine I suppose they could be correct. No gov can do much about this style of inflation. Just have to wait for it to run down. They can control the economy to some extent but that's about it. FED and BofE etc.

Short read mentions her other policies relating to increasing corporation tax. Still lower than it has been in the past.

LOL It includes a Trump aim
Trump, on the other hand, has said he would cut taxes on businesses, as well as provide relief for Americans. Trump would like to lower the corporate tax rate to as low as 15% – though he acknowledged in an interview last month with Bloomberg Businessweek that reducing it that much would be hard.
A great article here about how Trump got totally pwned by Putin. The idiot, Trump, is so easy to manipulate. The Harris campaign are doing it just by talking about crowd sizes. Putin, Xi and Kim all had his measure and Trump still doesn't realise. In his speeches he boasts how all three are his friends. It is actually really sad. As the saying goes, they were playing chess whilst Trump was playing ludo. It is frightening to think that this man child could be in charge of whether or not there is a third world war.

While other western leaders were beginning to formulate a strong response to the assassination attempt, McMaster says, Trump sat in the White House fawning over a New York Post article with the headline: “Putin heaps praise on Trump, pans US politics”. Trump, according to the book, wrote an appreciative note on the article with a black Sharpie and asked McMaster “to get the clipping to Putin”.

Beware incoming factoids :)
Harris has a few what could be called major problems.

Too left wing. So Trump now says communist. Some US people are suckers for that even though she and other democrats that have faced that are nothing remotely like extreme. A Harris convention image created with suitable flags and colours added. Another word use by some US is red rather than communist.

Immigration. Her brief under Biden was to look at why rather than control it. Biden has deported loads but more arrive. Trump says deport criminals. ;) I wonder if they already do. Maybe she will say the same. a lot of US care about this area but views as usual do vary. Too many figures. Problems of doing something about it don't seem to be considered.
Point 1 That is how the americans and economists are looking at her price gouging policy as a throw back from communist russia
point 2 Was it not biden who made the speech telling people to surge the border when he becomes President ?
Point 1 That is how the americans and economists are looking at her price gouging policy as a throw back from communist russia

I think she's being smart. Voters like it. She hasn't given enough details for economists to make a proper assessment. She's playing Trump at his own game. Trump claims he would slash credit card debt. When asked how he just said "vote for me". He claims he will put tariffs of 10% to 20% on imports, but won't say which goods or which countries. Harris just seems able to handle Trump in ways other Democrats haven't been able to.
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Point 1 That is how the americans and economists are looking at her price gouging policy as a throw back from communist russia
only ficko Republican economists and supporters

intelligent people will see that Americans pay way way more for drugs manufactured in America than the prices paid in Europe including UK..........because USA healthcare is profiteering

Im sorry its too complex for you
Still to close to call

But now

215 Kamala Harris democrat

219 Donald Trump republican

270 needed to win.
only ficko Republican economists and supporters

intelligent people will see that Americans pay way way more for drugs manufactured in America than the prices paid in Europe including UK..........because USA healthcare is profiteering

Im sorry its too complex for you
and what have drugs got to do with food prices . I see yours are still not working . I see you struggle to concentrate
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