Cenotaph being attacked

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Good points very well made...Where does it end...Erase Einstein,Oppenheimer,Rutherford,from the history books,erase all evidence of them from history books because they indirectly contributed to Nuclear Weapons?...
Where is Notch7 and his theory of the ridiculous? Absurd something or other.
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Like many people im uncomfortable with erasing history however repugnant it is by todays standards. You cant learn from history if you erase it.
Exactly, you can't erase it.
However, when you do learn from history, the least that you can do is to narrate it in today's standards, not leave it narrated in the standards of the past.
Should Auschwitz/Birkenau concentration camp be knocked down,it is seriously """ offensive"":"
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Exactly, you can't erase it.
However, when you do learn from history, the least that you can do is to narrate it in today's standards, not leave it narrated in the standards of the past.
No it seems you wallow in it and repeatedly use it to beat people with a stick over it.

Say for example my great great grandad used to beat his wife with a stick..and every day i remind my father how mean his side of the family were to my gran oh wait it was nothing to do with him and he's never once been sexist or oppressive.

Look at Germany, do we remind them of the Nazis they were? No never. Why? Because those people no longer exist in power or have been removed, im sure there's elements of racism sexism etc but that is nothing to do with the yesterday of Germany.
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Hussein's statue was torn down by an invading power whilst at war, is that how you see these protests?

Inappropriate statues should be removed through democracy not by mob rule. Bristol have had a black mayor for the last 4 years, you can hardly say the statue was there because of lack of political representation within Bristol.
No, why would I think protests were war?
By the way, depends on who you want to believe, it was either the Americans or the Iraqis who wanted it removed.
Here we go again. Another ****ing lie attributed to me by Notch7 along the lines of "Mottie says black families are all thieves". Show me where I said either of those things.
ah bless Mottie cant handle it when his childish arguments are turned around on him

Do you not realise you are saying exactly the same thing here:
"I’m not happy or proud of that but it seems that some on here are."

Read more: https://www.diynot.com/diy/threads/cenotaph-being-attacked.546639/page-5#ixzz6OlVgEMAO


From what I've read on here the last few days a number of posters on here will be absolutely delighted about this.

How telling that the usual crowd bar one have been silent on this thread.
direct implication that some are supportive of criminal damage

OK then, do you condone this behaviour? Discuss
I dont, so try and be adult and avoid implying it.
Where is Notch7 and his theory of the ridiculous? Absurd something or other.
take you rpick:

reductio ad absurdum also known as argumentum ad absurdum apagogical arguments, negation introduction or the appeal to extremes
ah bless Mottie cant handle it when his childish arguments are turned around on him
Here we go. Some more deflection from Notchy when he has no answer. Looks like you can’t answer my questions and back up your claims that I said "All black families are thieves" and "Mottie says its right that a policeman kneed somebody in the neck until he died".

Or can you?
Here we go. Some more deflection from Notchy when he has no answer. Looks like you can’t answer my questions and back up your claims that I said "All black families are thieves" and "Mottie says its right that a policeman kneed somebody in the neck until he died".

Or can you?
You can always tell when Notch is losing traction in an argument his insecurities surface and he has to proclaim to his 'audience' a perverse summary of how he sees their opposing argument :D

Words like 'Bless and Poor' etc used to assure him that they need more care than him ;)

He needs a comfort blanket.
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