Chlorine washed chicken

What about the inefficiencies :rolleyes: in transporting the chicken so far....
Don't they have refrigerated containers in your world? You didn't think that the yanks would make them swim, did you? Truth is, if it is uneconomical to transport chicken from the US to the UK then they won't send us their chicken, perhaps we could find someone else who wants to sell us good quality chicken.... Hell, why don't we grow some ourselves?
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The "issue" is because the bacteria should not be there in the first place....
Poultry is riddled with bacteria, always has been, that's why it important to make sure the juices run clear when you cook poultry... By the way, the EU has no reason to ban these antibacterial washes... They have just banned them... Can't think why...
Antibiotics. Pumped full of em, so much so my brother, who developed an allergy to antibiotics, can't eat any poultry. He found out the hard way when he went into anaphylactic shock after eating chicken.
All EU produced meat is stuffed full of antibiotics... They are added to the animals food or water using an automatic dosing unit..
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All EU produced meat is stuffed full of antibiotics... They are added to the animals food or water using an automatic dosing unit..
Yes I know. Learned about it 20 years or so ago when my brother's throat closed up. He only gets it with poultry tho, and still eats pig and cow.

Unless you haven't heard, we are getting 'superbugs' that are resistant to the antibiotics we know. Having them in our food chain in such an abundant manner is contributing to the problem. Perhaps there's something to be had in eating less meat.
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All EU produced meat is stuffed full of antibiotics... They are added to the animals food or water using an automatic dosing unit..

Helps explain the shocking rise in disease over the last 30 years, antibiotics are a well proven causal factor in gut dysbiosis because much like modern day gluten, the stuff blows holes in the gut lining where it then leaks through the small intestine into the blood stream. Of course our natural defense is the liver/kidneys/stomach, etc etc, but add all the other environmental stresses the modern ape has to deal with and the tipping point gets reached, the bodies no longer able to detoxify itself fast enough which results in autoimmune disease.
I take it that you don't drink tap water then...
Does Perrier water come out of the tap? :mrgreen:

I drink tap water, yes. Is this akin to gargling with bleach?

Or are you suggesting that tap water chlorine levels are the same as those used in the chicken wash thing?
They might as well use tap water to wash them then.

All I know is that it is banned by the EU on health grounds. People seem to be making a fuss about nothing again I guess. Business people (UK chicken producers) will be looking at ways to bolster the anti-chlorine washed chickens thing. Those desperate to beat the EU in a race to secure a deal (and grovel to) the US, will say the opposite.

"......British producers who would be worried about being undercut by US chicken farmers using lower standards and cheaper methods. If they switched to US methods themselves, it could be more difficult to sell their produce into the EU....."

I guess if we tell the EU to go whistle, we will become more reliant on trade with the US. No doubt supermarkets will incorporate a multi tier displays amongst their shelves.
Expensive organic produce.
Less expensive EU/UK approved stuff.
Cheap US stuff.
It can then be up to the choice and wallet of the consumer to decide.

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Actually, I've no idea why I'm in this thread, I gave up eating meat 20 years ago. Still on fish though.
Oooooh. Not fish.

They swim around in there own muck and sperm, plus that of others, of course.

Never eat anything with chemicals in it. Not even food.
They don't use chlorine (i.e. bleach) any more, they use peracetic acid:

Many humans die when bacteria, which are normally cleverly contained by the gut, get out into the body causing all kinds of nasty complications such as necrotising fasciitis. The same happens when chickens are slaughtered.
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