Chlorine washed chicken

You don't have to actively seek credit, to take it.
I get that. The EU is a service to those members with it. There will be those who will abide by the rules and benefit from the EU and there will be those that choose a different path. I'm sure the EU as a whole is ambivalent towards the credit you speak about.

Bit of a nonsense post of yours.
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Merkel had to explain 11 times to Trump when he persistently begged her for a deal with Germany.
Yeah, well he wanted a deal with Germany..... Each individual country will be queuing up shortly... The single market is shrinking and internal stresses will break it apart.
So, he didn't want a deal with the EU then.
He did yes. He is so stupid he just did not realise it. It took 11 attempts. He is very keen for a deal with the EU, yes.

They continued: "On the eleventh refusal, Trump finally got the message, 'Oh, we’ll do a deal with Europe then.'"
He did yes. He is so stupid he just did not realise it. It took 11 attempts. He is very keen for a deal with the EU, yes.

They continued: "On the eleventh refusal, Trump finally got the message, 'Oh, we’ll do a deal with Europe then.'"
No he didn't, he couldn't give a monkeys about dealing with the EU... Do you have any evidence that he begged or is this more fake commie news?
Which incidentally is in the Single Market duh!

Begged her 11 times. LOL.
She should have snatched his arm off.... Who is going to buy all those BMWs and Mercs when the single market curls up and dies?... Mind you once they have gotten all Merkels imports working in the car factories, the build quality will make a Morris Marina seem top quality
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