Climate: The Movie

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Still waiting [to hear] what personal sacrifices they are making to comply with their stated beliefs...

Seems to be more religious fervour. Holier than thou. Virtue signalling. Actual effort and meaningful contribution: zero.

Low-integrity, dishonest hypocrits. That's all we need to know.

Every time one of them posts, simply ask what they're doing.
We do what we can with the available technology - increasing taxation to pay for cleaner energy will make sense in the long term; something y'all seem unwilling to do.
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glad you also agree that 170 years out of 5400000000 doesnt mean there is global warmin
How many of those 5400000000 years included the industrial revolution? Wouldn't it be spooky if it were close to 170.
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Exactly. He moans about being picked on but it is his posts that break the rules and get posts locked.
Ironically he isn't picked on. But he does pick on others, and i suspect drums up support from others to pile on.

A keyboard bully
It is isn't it.

By making it about individuals it misses the collective nature of society and excuses them from accepting their proportion of the blame.

Like tobacco companies begging not to be legislated because it's an individuals choice to kill themselves. Or refuse to wear a seatbelt. Or have their gas appliances checked for safety.
And still avoiding the very basic question.

Is mankind affecting climate change. He can't or won't answer. But I know why not

I have answered several times, including to you directly. You seem to have the memory span of a gold fish.

It is not possible to answer that question; nobody knows. It is impossible to know what the climate would look like without the existence of human society. We can guess and we can try to model it, but that is all.

When I previously pointed this out, you agreed that it is not possible to be certain and stated that science is never certain.

You then, over several posts, stated that something needs to be done, but didn't give any details, despite me asking. I also responded that to take action is based on the precautionary principle, i.e. taking action in relation to something that we are not sure about - as a precaution.

This then begs the question, what should be done as a precaution? The current approach by government is to claim that there is an emergency and that extreme and urgent action is needed (net zero). This is clearly questionable, and not being pursued by 80% of the world's governments, including China, which carry on developing fossil fuel capacity.

I have repeatedly asked you and other alarmists what you are all doing in your own lives, but none of you answer. Because you're not doing anything. This shows a distinct lack of integrity and hypocrisy.

Has this helped jog your memory?
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