Although that very simple approach gives a pretty similar answer to the one I got (104.3 metres) using a more exhaustive 'brute force from first intervals' approach (see post #24 above), I haven't yet managed to work out the basis of the "24A at the midpoint" assumption above.1 ... No drawing the load at multiple points, 24A at the midpoint. ... The ring topology means halve the current and halve the length - easiest way to do that is current/4, so 6A ... 6 x 18 =108mV/m ... 11.5/.108 = 106.5
Is there some flaw in the more extensive calculation I presented in post #24 (the assumption there being that the situation is the equivalent of 6A load at the centre of each leg of the ring)?
As can be see, the only bottom-line arithmetical difference between my approach and the one above, is that mine has a figure of 24.5 (arrived at by the reasoning described in my previous post), rather than 24.
Kind Regards, John
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