Congratulations sir kier

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It looks like they're getting ready to dramatically overhaul prisons and justice. They brought in an actual expert to be Attorney General and James Timpson who is big on rehabilitation.

Which is potentially very good, it's well known that our current system is an ineffective mess.
But the real problem they have is bringing crime down in the first place...

Which means bringing back hope alongside a credible justice system...

But that is probably an impossible task given the state that the UK has fallen into, and the ever increasing signs that the UK is in a never ending spiral of decline...

Who would thought a few years ago that local stores such as Tesco Express would have doors that you have to wait at to be unlocked and you can then enter to shop...

And staff equipped with bodycams...

I fear there is no way back from the last 14 years of hate policies and division!
It looks like they're getting ready to dramatically overhaul prisons and justice.

needs to be done. It is now an emergency. I saw a recent report (I think by the Prison Governors Association) that calculated space available, prisoners discharged or dying per day, prisoners arriving per day, and calculated that shortly after election day, prisoners would be stacked up in police stations as there was nowhere else to put them.

Neglecting school roofs is another example where long-term neglect leads to an expensive crisis.

NHS Capital spending is another.



The new government has a lot of Tory shot to clear up.
needs to be done. It is now an emergency. I saw a recent report (I think by the Prison Governors Association) that calculated space available, prisoners discharged or dying per day, prisoners arriving per day, and calculated that shortly after election day, prisoners would be stacked up in police stations as there was nowhere else to put them.

Neglecting school roofs is another example where long-term neglect leads to an expensive crisis.

NHS Capital spending is another.



The new government has a lot of Tory shot to clear up.
This is the thing. Logically, one can't expect them to right all the wrongs within days, weeks or months. However given the situation, neither do I think the public (Labour diehard's aside) will give them very long to start seeing results.
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But that is probably an impossible task given the state that the UK has fallen into, and the ever increasing signs that the UK is in a never ending spiral of decline...

Who would thought a few years ago that local stores such as Tesco Express would have doors that you have to wait at to be unlocked and you can then enter to shop...

And staff equipped with bodycams...

I fear there is no way back from the last 14 years of hate policies and division!

It's all about trajectory.

Like you don't expect to become wealthy overnight but, instead, put a bit away, little and often over a prolonged period.

Make little improvements, and keep making them.
Five years isn't long enough to fix the parless carp that the scum have left us with, but if people can see it's not as bad, and continues to improve.......

Fingers crossed, THAT might be enough to consign the scum and the grifters to perpetual irrelevance (y)
Looks like the Tory are having a bit of an argument about what to do. Older hands want to hang on for a while, say to their party conference. On the other hand they need a leader of the opposition.

Libs as 3rd now get a sort of PMQT.

Starmer holds his first press conference and took on some stupid questions. After touring the nations to get all of the Labs to understand his intentions he then calls the mayors in. Doesn't care what party they represent. More devolution was expected anyway. Then he needs to go to the NATO meeting in the US.

I can't wait to see what Starmer does to parliamentary ethics. it might be really interesting.
It's all about trajectory.

Like you don't expect to become wealthy overnight but, instead, put a bit away, little and often over a prolonged period.

Make little improvements, and keep making them.
Five years isn't long enough to fix the parless carp that the scum have left us with, but if people can see it's not as bad, and continues to improve.......

Fingers crossed, THAT might be enough to consign the scum and the grifters to perpetual irrelevance (y)
Ties in with us needing longer term strategies as a country, strategies that run way beyond the average length of time any single party is in power.

In a way it's like the experience of anyone who's worked in health, education etc for decades. They see strategies come and go, new brooms sweeping 'clean', and often it just ends up with a perpetual feeling of unrest and things not working properly.
It's all about trajectory.

Like you don't expect to become wealthy overnight but, instead, put a bit away, little and often over a prolonged period.

Make little improvements, and keep making them.
Five years isn't long enough to fix the parless carp that the scum have left us with, but if people can see it's not as bad, and continues to improve.......

Fingers crossed, THAT might be enough to consign the scum and the grifters to perpetual irrelevance (y)
But as mentioned, that is the problem with politicians...

It's all short-termism in order to look good, and in many cases keep their noses in the trough for another term!

They all come into office claiming that they will 'makes things better', but sadly all that inevitably happens is that it gets better for the few not the many...

Because the system is totally broken...

Hence the societal and economic problems we have now!
One of their advisors Already talking about means testing state pension . Couldn't make it up .
One of their advisors Already talking about means testing state pension . Couldn't make it up .
Of course they should ask that question. "What savings effect would with-holding state pension from all those paying the 50%* tax rate have ?"

I'd like to know that. Wouldn't you?

*other start points are available.
It's all short-termism in order to look good, and in many cases keep their noses in the trough for another term!
Starmer wants to try something else and that appears to include more honesty rather than bluff.

The NHS plan is a mix of short and long termism. There are 2 hospitals working as he wants so use people from these to talk to others about problems and how to do it. There are other problems in this area but this should help with some aspects. Meet his targets? Another question really but any improvement is worthwhile. The tory have already put more money in and increased the staff in some areas. They were going to shoot out at a tangent.This is more use what we have.

He's also going to set up mission groups in the civil service as often things run across several departments. Names can make a difference is one aspect but tying them together can as well.

There is another change that might worry some. Flatly refuses to accept that tax cuts are needed to increase growth. We've been assuming that for ~50 years. It doesn't always work out. He thinks get stability first is far more important and also always stick to the fiscal rules.
One of their advisors Already talking about means testing state pension . Couldn't make it up .
What level? John Snow pointed out that he doesn't need it or his bus and railway pass.
Your making it up and loose talk doesn't mean anything anyway.The advisor if reported correctly might get a kick up the arse or maybe he isn't one at all.
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