Congratulations sir kier

trans obviously forgot what he wrote himself......

Glad I could be of assistance. Brush it under the carpet or turn a blind eye boyo, but slaughter house cruelty is REAL.

Cruelty yeah

Halal slaughter for starters and before you mention it yet again

Kosher as well

Cruelty in slaughter houses well yes perhaps you should go to one for entertainment have a family day out ??? You might even be able to get hands on ;)
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Er don’t think you quite under stand Noseall
No surprise really :giggle:
Explain what you meant when you said.....
Any one involved in or practising fox hunting ?
Hare coursing ? Or any other such cruelty to animals 10 year minimum sentence no parole ?

Perhaps you were talking about any cruelty to animals, except the cruelty that you are comfortable with? They are your own words boyo, explain?
Explain what you meant when you said.....

? ;)

Perhaps you were talking about any cruelty to animals, except the cruelty that you are comfortable with? They are your own words boyo, explain?

Blimey noseall have any cats and dogs gone missing around were you live ?

In particular cats who tend to roam ??

Don’t suppose you would know any thing about it

Assuming of course some have gone missing ;) ???

Dunno how you can be comfortable with cruelty to animals fir sport and entertainment
But than again you are what you are
Noseall ;)
Explain what you meant when you said.....


Perhaps you were talking about any cruelty to animals, except the cruelty that you are comfortable with? They are your own words boyo, explain?
He's just trolling you.

Easily pleased by slogans
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It's common for populist extremists to search for somebody to blame for the nation's ills, who has not been responsible for creating them but can easily be recognised as "outsiders."
Lets hope the PM sorts out the brexhit mess and improves economic conditions for the leavers from agricultural and fishing communities that were shafted by the lies. There's no time limitation for treason so perhaps BJ could be first in line for his casual self serving lies.
Halal slaughter for starters and before you mention it yet again

Kosher as well


Jewish ritual slaughter is always unstunned

Halal slaughter isn't

Halal slaughter requires a prayer to be said for the animal

Which causes no additional pain or distress.

You are crazy to think it does.
??? If it’s true ( which I doubt )
Brexit? Utter failure boyo.

The Tories went from being the super-majority party that could do no wrong - to one of the worst most heavily defeated in history. All thanks to your shítty Brexit. It was always a Tory badge of shame and it came back to haunt them. It's no accident all the Brexiteers are now extinct or impotent.

If Labour end up taxing the hind legs off us and especially if we generally see no improvement with public services etc as a consequence,
The Tory have locked in taxation increases for at least the next 3 years. Labour haven't changed that as it means budget requirement can be met. They are stuck with brand new taxes in other areas and swinging money around where they can in existing budgets. Rwanda money is one. There may be others in different areas. Depends on effects as all pay for something or the other.

Can the Tory really say allowances will change in 3 years or by what amount? Or any other party really?

The IFS summed it up Things might happen that mean their must be a general taxation increase, Reason things are tight. What would the increase. Pass. Might be VAT as spends tend to be income related. Might be income tax but numbers of people drop as incomes increase. Might be something else.

TBH I am inclined to think counsels are more likely to be a problem. A Tory on the box about an hour ago. "We didn't analyse the data enough" on effects of dictating the council tax increases. Needed to make tough decisions. They were more concerned with cost of living. Net effect when there has to be an increase is it's going to be a bigger one. They needed to look at needs more. That varies. Same has gone on with water. ;) Also the BBC.
It's called borrow to invest, what private citizens do.
I quite like a fair bit of what I've heard from KS, but I fear a lot hasn't been mentoned and we may not be so keen when we hear it.

I wonder when we'll hear from the train drivers again.
I don't think such bodies should fund political parties. It's only a few million quid, it should come from the Treasury.
Take any group - nurses, say. Well educated and important people for sure, but I don't want them controlling the country's finances.
I wonder how the largest contributor, one energy company, will fare.

I'm happy to see just a few Reform seats with noisy MPs, I think we aren't Nationalist enough, in a few areas. That's quite distinct from "Right wing".

The country's debt repayments are at 98% of our GDP. That's unsustainable. Covid/Ukraine in large part, the Tories if you like, but whatever the reason, it needs a plan for putting it straight.
Of course we need growth, and some departments seriously need their heads wobbling. But for a while, I think we probably need higher taxes too. But taxes do damage, sometimes disproportionately to the amount of money they raise.

We imho need some new laws, for example setting out how some companies may operate in this country even if their HQs are abroad. Too many of them are clearly doing it wrongly.

Looking up where the UK comes in terms of relative wealth etc, an interesting fact popped out. Number one near enough, in terms of PPP (well-off-ness) is Ireland.
Cruelty yeah

Halal slaughter for starters and before you mention it yet again

Kosher as well

Cruelty in slaughter houses well yes perhaps you should go to one for entertainment have a family day out ??? You might even be able to get hands on ;)
Muslim and Jewish practice is humane - are you a secret vegan?

Jewish ritual slaughter is always unstunned

Halal slaughter isn't

Halal slaughter requires a prayer to be said for the animal

Which causes no additional pain or distress.

You are crazy to think it does.

Dunno what yer points is

Truth is neither do you :giggle:
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