Congratulations sir kier

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Just dropping this in here.

1 in 5 over 16 have never held a job. Too many spongers who need to get off their arses and move somewhere with jobs.
Too many know how to manipulate the system as its been a lifetime achievement .
And too many foreign gangs ripping the system apart as the recent tip of the iceberg 50 million bulgarian fraud showed
A lot of the reason is that working doesn't pay.

Minimum wage (regardless of what actual £x amount) doesn't pay enough. Benefits shouldn't be withdrawn at a certain figure. A long sliding scale so people see and feel the benefit of working would be a better long term approach. A lot of people can only get gig economy or similar irregular hours work. Don't punishment them for trying

Let's hope labour look at ideas like that. The tory approach didn't work. The divide increased.
the reverse of making state pension untaxed. A tory wheeze intended to appeal to their voter base.
The Tory wheeze. It's best to remember that it only applies to people who just get a state pension and nothing else. The Tory forecast on state pension means that it will exceed £12,750 in 3 years time. Result, they would pay £29 per year tax if the forecast is correct. Income ~£245 / week

Labour just said they wouldn't add the 3rd element of the triple lock in - automating the allowance so that people on the full state pension only never pay income tax. Labour decision for that point in time. I'd be gob smacked if they didn't do some thing about it if needed. Pension relate aspects have been improving for a long time. Data from 1995 on

I did hope to find a split on just how many just get the state pension. Some might have contracted out of full NI. These for instance from the link - very likely will have
The percentage of pensioners in receipt of income from a private pension was 70%. The average amount for those in receipt was £199 per week. Of those in receipt, five per cent had private pension income of £1,000 or more per week.
However ~20 years ago advisors were telling people to contract back in if they were in their early 40's as the returns were good.

People in this group are in a different situation as the £12750 tax allowance still figures. This can result all or some portion of a state pension being taken off the allowance. So much for all just being on a state pension. Some have personal pensions ~17%. Pensioners can still get income support and disability allowances if needed.
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...whilst brushing the cruelty at slaughter houses under the carpet. Very noble trans. (n)

The irony from noseall

Brushing cruelty to animals for entertainment

Very noble from noseall pretty much sums you up ;)
The irony from noseall

Brushing cruelty to animals for entertainment

Very noble from noseall pretty much sums you up ;)
Killing animals for food is an unfortunate necessity, killing them for fun is cruel.
The Tory wheeze. It's best to remember that it only applies to people who just get a state pension and nothing else. The Tory forecast on state pension means that it will exceed £12,750 in 3 years time. Result, they would pay £29 per year tax if the forecast is correct. Income ~£245 / week

The idea of a personal tax allowance is quite reasonable. People on low incomes do not pay income tax.

It is a perversity of recent Tory tax-increasing policy that, by freezing tax allowances so that they are overtaken by inflation, people on low incomes have been drawn into the tax net.

If a person who, in a few years time, due to inflation, has an income of £12,750 and is poor, should not start paying tax, then there is no particular reason why his liability to pay, or not to pay, tax should be manipulated so that it aligns to his propensity to be a Conservative voter. As you know, most Conservative voters are at, or near, retirement age.
Just dropping this in here.

1 in 5 over 16 have never held a job. Too many spongers who need to get off their arses and move somewhere with jobs.
Similar story from the east coast where people voted leave in their droves. I suspect for a proportion of the population it wasn't about jobs being taken by east european's, just anger at immigration. Somehow far rage taps into that fury even though economic prospects for the locals are worse since we left.
A lot of the reason is that working doesn't pay.
I've wondered about that when ideas like working tax credit cropped up. So far universal credit data doesn't really show where money is going.

There is one obvious interaction. Free child care and number of hours that can be worked before things get more expensive. Then comes how many hours and what sort of job that can fit in with this. This is capped at £100,000 net income. Basic rules, seems 16hrs might be 18 now, Not sure
Over the next 3 months you and your partner (if you have one) must each expect to earn at least:
  • £2,380 before tax if you’re aged 21 or over (equivalent to £183 per week)
  • £1,788 before tax if you’re aged 18 to 20 (equivalent to £137 per week)
  • £1,331 before tax if you’re under 18 or an apprentice (equivalent to £102 per week)
This is the National Minimum Wage or Living Wage for 16 hours a week on average.
  • 9 months to 2 years old, you can get 15 hours per week of free childcare
  • 3 to 4 years old, you can get 30 hours per week of free childcare

If you’re not currently working

You may still be eligible if your partner is working, and you are on carer’s leave or if you get any of the following:
  • Incapacity Benefit
  • Severe Disablement Allowance
  • Carer’s Allowance
  • Limited Capability for Work Benefit
  • contribution-based Employment and Support Allowance
I don't know what child care costs these days. Seems it's £126 or £149 / week depending on type for 25hrs. So there is income gain if people choose to work more hours - if they can. There are also after school clubs.

All of the free is paid out of taxation. We have a min wage which becomes a max for some, We also have income support taken out of taxation. LOL I've always wondered about the tangled web it all represents. Increase the min wage by say 50% would be inflationary. BofE might get really upset. Tory idea to control it seems to be increase 16hr to 18 in some benefits as 16 has become a life style choice but what if people can't? Total revamp of the system??????

Labours aims are pretty clearly stated. I doubt if it can be a sudden switch but the min wage will be calculated in a different way and then the other changes,
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Similar story from the east coast where people voted leave in their droves. I suspect for a proportion of the population it wasn't about jobs being taken by east european's, just anger at immigration. Somehow far rage taps into that fury even though economic prospects for the locals are worse since we left.
It's common for populist extremists to search for somebody to blame for the nation's ills, who has not been responsible for creating them but can easily be recognised as "outsiders."
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