Congratulations sir kier

Don't fret, John. Our future engineers, doctors and physicists are making there way here by dinghy as we speak. (y)
They are still around and people are being trained. Question really is expanding capacity and more of it. People who want to enter this area probably find they need decent O Levels. The old A level route in that some offered probably doesn't exist anymore.
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So another myth gone.

You can be in the EU and have your own laws and ways of doing things. Just like we had.

The point of the EU? Generally, easy trade to a massive amount of people, locally, with easy to follow agreed standards.
You must have missed this bit..
Do you think all votes are equal then?
I'm suggesting the reason why some groups may be "disproportionately" represented. It might be because they vote. Politicians tend to create policies geared toward those who vote.
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I quite like a fair bit of what I've heard from KS, but I fear a lot hasn't been mentoned and we may not be so keen when we hear it.
His planning reforms will be interesting, there is a shortage of planning staff due to cutbacks, so that will need addressing.
I wonder when we'll hear from the train drivers again.
Listen out for the horn, Keer will inevitably clash with them
I don't think such bodies should fund political parties. It's only a few million quid, it should come from the Treasury.
Take any group - nurses, say. Well educated and important people for sure, but I don't want them controlling the country's finances.
I wonder how the largest contributor, one energy company, will fare.

Politics has always been funded, the TU movement founded the labor party. It's like saying you're uncomfortable with venture capitalists funding the toreys so off shore tax havens can be preserved.
I'm happy to see just a few Reform seats with noisy MPs, I think we aren't Nationalist enough, in a few areas. That's quite distinct from "Right wing".
Nationalism is distinct from left wing too, but it's been seized by the hard right/far right.
The country's debt repayments are at 98% of our GDP. That's unsustainable. Covid/Ukraine in large part, the Tories if you like, but whatever the reason, it needs a plan for putting it straight.
Of course we need growth, and some departments seriously need their heads wobbling. But for a while, I think we probably need higher taxes too. But taxes do damage, sometimes disproportionately to the amount of money they raise.
There's no difference between public sector borrowing to invest and private credit to improve your lifestyle. People love owning their own houses and create massive debt and inflation and debt in pursuing the dream of home ownership
your ignorant ranting about cruelty to animals is a clear giveaway.
Have a mushroom and calm down, dear. :mrgreen:
Nonsense and
Your ignorant posts not caring about cruelty to animals

Get some cholonic irrigation therapy to clear yer ead out :giggle: :giggle: :giggle:

Might be available on the NHS (y) ;)
Do you not agree that wealthy pensioners have had a significant and material effect on the politics of this country?

Motorbiking has a point. Pensioners of all different wealth levels are far more likely to vote than younger age groups. But there are much stronger forces at play and more vociferous groups lobbying than OAPs with a nice house and few quid in the bank.
His planning reforms will be interesting, there is a shortage of planning staff due to cutbacks, so that will need addressing.
Reeves just made a speech. They are going to get them. Initial step but there is more.
Reintroduce house building targets that have to be met.

The answer to NINBY's seems to be that national interests are far more important, This includes more onshore windmills.

The general idea is to speed up planning. If it stalls it seems Labour's attack dog moves in. Already at work. Houses - job availability will figure on where.

She points out that tough changes have just caused plans to be dropped or take years. No more of that.

NINBY's - C4 asked about an unused WWII airfield in Surrey, LOL They might find it gets built on anyway but other factors figure.

Times asked about the Farage idea in QE and interest. No change just like the Tory. Those gave 2 reasons. Guilts selling at a loss and also bank etc finally being competitive on what they will offer on cash ISA's and people now moving them around.

Awkward sod's questions. When will the public feel the effects of growth? Answer if they hit 2% an extra £58b appears. They can only try and boost growth. The main aim there is stability to achieve investments. We haven't had that for a long time.
more vociferous groups lobbying than OAPs with a nice house and few quid in the bank.

Shouting loudly isn't a pre-requisite of being one of the
much stronger forces

And the original point was "the country not being held to ransom by nurses".

The irony being that the Wail-believing nimby gammons are the ones who hold as much, if not more sway, than the [insert Wail target-of-the-week/month/season here].
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