Congratulations sir kier

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Still, every cloud.

Migrants in Northern France celebrating a Labour victory have given Sir Keir Starmer a nickname and have vowed to cross the Channel at the “first chance” they get.

Speaking to the Telegraph, some of the migrants welcomed a new government and said they would risk crossing the Channel in small boats as soon as weather permitted.

Sir Keir has vowed to scrap the Rwanda deportation flights on “day one” if Labour reached power.

Most migrants in the Grand-Synthe camp near Dunkirk were unaware of the results this morning. But when told Rishi Sunak would no longer be Prime Minister, they were overjoyed.

Amir, 23, a bean seller from Kurdistan, said migrants had given Sir Keir a nickname that roughly translates as a man who works for refugees or workers.

He said: “We are calling him [Starmer] ‘Party Krekaran’ because we have heard that this guy is really helpful to the refugees.”

Amir added that he would make the crossing “as soon as possible” now Sir Keir Starmer is in power.

He said: “It’s really good for us. We were really nervous in our countries to travel all the way here and get sent back.

“We no longer live in fear of sending us to Rwanda. I’ve seen a couple of documentaries and Rwanda is not the best place.”
Of course, if the Tories hadn't lost any votes they would have won the election.
Twit - if you could read and understand I was posting about loss to Reform / Farage. Maybe the observation is too complex for you.

So far 3 Tory MP wouldn't have lost their seats if Farage wasn't around - Truss looked like an example.
Still, every cloud.

Migrants in Northern France celebrating a Labour victory have given Sir Keir Starmer a nickname and have vowed to cross the Channel at the “first chance” they get.

Speaking to the Telegraph, some of the migrants welcomed a new government and said they would risk crossing the Channel in small boats as soon as weather permitted.

Sir Keir has vowed to scrap the Rwanda deportation flights on “day one” if Labour reached power.

Most migrants in the Grand-Synthe camp near Dunkirk were unaware of the results this morning. But when told Rishi Sunak would no longer be Prime Minister, they were overjoyed.

Amir, 23, a bean seller from Kurdistan, said migrants had given Sir Keir a nickname that roughly translates as a man who works for refugees or workers.

He said: “We are calling him [Starmer] ‘Party Krekaran’ because we have heard that this guy is really helpful to the refugees.”

Amir added that he would make the crossing “as soon as possible” now Sir Keir Starmer is in power.

He said: “It’s really good for us. We were really nervous in our countries to travel all the way here and get sent back.

“We no longer live in fear of sending us to Rwanda. I’ve seen a couple of documentaries and Rwanda is not the best place.”

It's almost like people haven't been arriving in record numbers before today ....................
Still, every cloud.
And rates of arrival look like there was no chance or Rwanda catching up and I feel it may have been blocked by the courts anyway and not the human rights one. All ready to go and none went. I wonder why?
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