Conservative vote winner?

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Ok, couple of facts to spoil the chat...

The military option is for well qualified candidates only, NOT anyone who wants to join.

"The military option will be voluntary, selective, and commissioned - and not square bashing or combat armed roles.
Sounds more like secondments to Abbey Wood, MOD and Cheltenham rather than Salisbury Plain…

”Young people will be able to choose between:

Applying for a competitive, full-time military commission over 12 months in the armed forces or UK cyber defence, where young people will learn and take part in logistics, cyber security, procurement or civil response operations. This placement will be selective, so that our world leading armed forces recruit and train the brightest and the best”."

Or civic volunteering.

RAF (as an example) officer training is 24 weeks ish. Work out the payback.
If they actually mean commissioned then the numbers will be trivial. We already do that anyway with the Gap year commission, now called an internship.

So this announcement is really just about giving 98% of 18 year olds a community service order.
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It’s hate speech imho. Those who use it are worse that people using the N word etc.

I've found that article very confusing, so it's not helped me very much. She's somehow made it partly about religion, and turned the word gammon into an attack on white Christians. Then she also says that calling somebody a gammon means you are comparing them with a pig. Is this also what you believe?
I've found that article very confusing, so it's not helped me very much. She's somehow made it partly about religion, and turned the word gammon into an attack on white Christians. Then she also says that calling somebody a gammon means you are comparing them with a pig. Is this also what you believe?

I’m not walking into this one.

I just find it offensive and people who throw it around are rude inconsiderate and seem to love the sound of their own voice.

You can form your own opinion on the matter.
Even if that were true, that is very different to the P word or the N word which are always racist.
When one black person calls another black person the N word. Would you call that racist ?

Same thing with the P word.

Being called a gammon is racist against white people.
I’m not walking into this one.

I just find it offensive and people who throw it around are rude inconsiderate and seem to love the sound of their own voice.

You can form your own opinion on the matter.

I'm not trying to walk you into any sort of trap. I was just really surprised at the strength of feeling about this term. It had always seemed to just be a bit of silly fun to me. When @Bod ... commented on my original post, I thought he was pulling me up for mentioning the death penalty, not using the word gammon. So far, nobody has really tried to explain why it is so offensive.
It's a long time since I've thought about these things in detail. Is it racist for a white person to make fun of another white person's complexion?

Yes of course

I have a mate of Polish decent that has a very square ⬛️ jaw.
If I used that against him with anger and a Gammon red face it would be racist.
I'm not trying to walk you into any sort of trap. I was just really surprised at the strength of feeling about this term. It had always seemed to just be a bit of silly fun to me. When @Bod ... commented on my original post, I thought he was pulling me up for mentioning the death penalty, not using the word gammon. So far, nobody has really tried to explain why it is so offensive.

Dim old builders chuck the term around with great glee.

Is it so bad being a white man, that we have to accept racism.

The watchers couldn’t care less about the term. That’s pathetic in my eyes
Dim old builders chuck the term around with great glee.

Is it so bad being a white man, that we have to accept racism.

The watchers couldn’t care less about the term. That’s pathetic in my eyes
'Home boys' on the corners were called 'wiggers' back in the 90s. White youth aping mannerisms of Black culture.
Would you consider that a racist term?
Is it so bad being a white man, that we have to accept racism.

But white people as a whole aren't being called gammons. It refers to somebody who gets angry and goes red in the face when thinking about certain subjects. To me it's about attitudes and disposition.
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