Could Brexit create new manufacturing.

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We could make our own look alike BMW's for the **** market.

Isn't that what competition is all about. If the EU are so concerned about level playing fields, why not increase the value of the Euro by 20% to where it should be.

What you smoking now filly?
I agree.

What’s interesting is that there is another cycle of investment going on by mid range engineering and manufacturing companies at the moment, driven by increased domestic demand and an increased awareness of exporting to countries outside of the EU.

Friend of mine had an engineering company in Birmingham, 20 years ago they sold off all the old 'Colchester' lathes and other antiquated equipment to India and invested in modern CAD machines, they always did reasonably well because there were so few small engineering companies left, he could never understand why he had so many customers from the south of England.

They lost a lot of work to China but over time it crept back in various ways, one company who supplied oil companies would ring him in a flap for an urgent order because the stuff that had come over from China had been rejected because it wasn't up to spec, he'd rush out an order but charged 4 times the amount he previously did, the supplier was on a penalty clause so they had no choice but to pay.

Another longstanding customer came back because whilst, per unit, China was a fraction of the price, my mate would often knock out 500 of one thing and a thousand of another, whereas the Chinese started to demand minimum orders of 10-20000, cash up front. It was more cost effective to pay my mate 30p per unit than the Chinese 10p per unit.
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Friend of mine had an engineering company in Birmingham, 20 years ago they sold off all the old 'Colchester' lathes and other antiquated equipment to India and invested in modern CAD machines, they always did reasonably well because there were so few small engineering companies left, he could never understand why he had so many customers from the south of England.

They lost a lot of work to China but over time it crept back in various ways, one company who supplied oil companies would ring him in a flap for an urgent order because the stuff that had come over from China had been rejected because it wasn't up to spec, he'd rush out an order but charged 4 times the amount he previously did, the supplier was on a penalty clause so they had no choice but to pay.

Another longstanding customer came back because whilst, per unit, China was a fraction of the price, my mate would often knock out 500 of one thing and a thousand of another, whereas the Chinese started to demand minimum orders of 10-20000, cash up front. It was more cost effective to pay my mate 30p per unit than the Chinese 10p per unit.

I've read articles about the most advanced UK engineering companies that have been able to win contracts that previously went to Chinese companies.

I think it's generally at the more complex specialist lathe work etc.

I do think it's a shame that the UK governments over the years have allowed technical colleges to decline in favour of universities.
I've read articles about the most advanced UK engineering companies that have been able to win contracts that previously went to Chinese companies.

I think it's generally at the more complex specialist lathe work etc.

I do think it's a shame that the UK governments over the years have allowed technical colleges to decline in favour of universities.

My mate was at the lower end of the market but loved his work and was very good, broken prop shaft on the boat, give it ere son I'll knock you one up for next week.
I'd like to think we could grow and make more of our own food here and import less.

If I could choose produce that was home-grown over imported food, I would.
Firstly, JDopey could you provide me with evidence of my “hate”. Muppet.
Sir Agitator, JDopey........ Let me make this as simple as I possibly can as you’re both proving to be a bit slow on the uptake..... have you ever heard of “supply & demand” very very very basic economics. Ample supply equals lower prices (ie- wages (idiots))
Products/skills in demand equals increased wages.
So,let me paint you a picture(just Incase there are any really really stupid fools not grasping what reality is)
Imagine if a country with an average daily wage of £100.00 suddenly allowed residents of a number of countries with an average wage of £20.00 a day to come & work in our country.
Who could blame the people that came here, we all would if we were in the same position. Hard working,nice people.... but........ just imagine what would (did) happen to the people who’s jobs could be easily replaced with cheaper labour. An endless supply of cheaper labour. Only a complete IDIOT WEIRDO would think that this would cause zero difference to wages in this country. Does the housing market rocket when there is a surplus of housing stock????? No, only a COMPLETE IDIOT would claim so.
A shortage of something in demand (increased demand) raises costs/prices/wages.
A surplus causes the opposite.
Economics lesson 1.
Do you agree Sir Agitator/JDopey?
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filly totally fails to explain how he determines what the value of a currency "should" be.

why not increase the value of the Euro by 20% to where it should be.

the volume of his meaningless verbosity does not hide the paucity of his knowledge.
True enough, so are you suggesting that the Deutschmark should be on a par with the Drachma, or the lire or peseto? really?
Since at least some of them (can't be arsed to remind myself if they're all extinct) don't exist, sure.
Pound Sterling........ oldest currency in the world. (Still in circulation)
Another thing to be proud of eh?
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