Could Brexit create new manufacturing.

what decade and political party are we talking about?
Any party from Thatcher onwards

In the construction trades I don't think NVQs are the same calibre as City and Guilds.

In my industry, joinery the colleges flogged off their industrial equipment and now trainees don't get skills that equips them for industry.

I would like to see trade qualifications that givesapprentices for the skills they need when they begin work.

It's pointless training somebody wanting to be a carpenter how to square wood with a handplane....when on site they need to know how to use a festool tracksaw or calibrate a chop saw to cut square etc etc
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There was a news item this week about Brie cheese would be potentially more expensive, or people would have to choose something like cheddar instead.

Now, I'm not that posh to be affected or even bothered but the thought occurred to me that choosing UK cheddar would be a good thing, and if a UK Brie could be made instead that would be good too.

And the same applies similarly to everything else.
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Now, I'm not that posh to be affected or even bothered but the thought occurred to me that choosing UK cheddar would be a good thing, and if a UK Brie could be made instead that would be good too.

My local Cheese shop now make Brie. I asked was it hard he said "it was a Brie zze."
Any party from Thatcher onwards

In the construction trades I don't think NVQs are the same calibre as City and Guilds.

In my industry, joinery the colleges flogged off their industrial equipment and now trainees don't get skills that equips them for industry.

I would like to see trade qualifications that givesapprentices for the skills they need when they begin work.

It's pointless training somebody wanting to be a carpenter how to square wood with a handplane....when on site they need to know how to use a festool tracksaw or calibrate a chop saw to cut square etc etc
City & Guilds was highly regarded in many (usually commonwealth) countries, as were O &A levels
There was a news item this week about Brie cheese would be potentially more expensive, or people would have to choose something like cheddar instead.

Now, I'm not that posh to be affected or even bothered but the thought occurred to me that choosing UK cheddar would be a good thing, and if a UK Brie could be made instead that would be good too.

And the same applies similarly to everything else.
Quit a lot of UK Brie about , Somerset, Appleby, very good too
I am awake

You however haven't yet twigged.....the problems in this country are caused by UK politics not the EU.
Notchy man,,,you would say that...freekin spooky coincidence all our industry fuked off to Poland after we joined EU but it did not before we joined numb are you,,apart from very.
Most of the industry I worked in back in the day is now in China, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, don't think they are in the EU
Please don't conflate EU membership with manufacturing going abroad

Problems in manufacturing in this country are the direct result of domestic policies.....mostly the muppets you voted for,

Manufacturing in the UK has been going down the pan for decades.
Besides, weren't you a tory voter until very recently?
Manufacturing in the UK has been going down the pan for decades.
Besides, weren't you a tory voter until very recently?

yes its been going down the pan for decades, but still nothing to do with the EU

yes I was a Tory voter, so its my fault too -not that Im sure Labour would have done all that much better....I recall new labour did more to encourage people to go to uni than further education.
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