Damp homes, and private tenants

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Well there you have a trio or even Stooges.


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What we really need to do is work out which one is which in the picture. Brig to the right, Camen in the middle and Nosey on the left is my bet :giggle:
Back to the point , when I sat my city and guilds 1973, when they meant something, we calculater heat losses in a house using 3 air changes per hour for "health and comfort conditions". In the house that I rent out that has black mould problems I doubt if it has 3 air changes a week unless she farts then that probably would be a wet one and she smells like it ! she is a fat slob who drinks gallons of full fat coke with vodka and southern comfort thrown in, eats pizza and fast food junk I can see this by looking in the re cycling bins , I told her about ventilation and even removed the closers on the trickle vents but she just taped over them, she is a total slob got a better car than me , a tv set which stretches across an entire wall and has the eating habits of a rat and struggles to pay the rent.
So don't blame the property
Back to the point , when I sat my city and guilds 1973,
Insulation and methology has moved on since then. Cavities for instance are now 150mm compared to 50mm back then.
Designers understand you can't rely on ventilation alone and they would chuckle at the...."tell the tenants to open the windows" remedy. It doesn't work in the Winter. Nor are folk expected to keep windows open either.
Almost all older houses require PIR on the surface of the walls to make them effective.
Insulation 75%
Ventilation 25%
Both are needed. If I was forced to forsake one and beef up the other, it would choose insulation over ventilation.
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WE never have had mould probs in any house we have lived in because we ventilate them, unlike idiot tenants
I inherited black mould problems - in the exterior corners of walls - in a 1930's house that I bought.

Due to the insufficient insulation, the house was always cold, despite the heating being on full-chat and 24/7, in cold weather.

After I had installed internal thermal board insulation to all external walls, not only did the black mould issue disappear (never to return), but the house was both a lot warmer, and much cheaper to keep warm.
Despite us adding to our family during this time.
WE never have had mould probs in any house we have lived in because we ventilate them, unlike idiot tenants

I'm not convinced about the 'idiot' part. The thing is, they don't own it, so damage they do to a property, falls on someone else to repair. They have no financial interest in the place at all.
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