Damp homes, and private tenants

I'm sure you're making all of that up. Tenants treating a property like there's no tomorrow? Nah, not buying it. A landlord who was there for their tenants quickly and efficiently? Nah, not buying that either.

Getting the property and its repairs and maintenance paid for too.

I am buying that
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A lot do provide mid market and market rent properties which are higher spec. They still need to cater for the lowest paid, and worse, in society. The private sector have a lot more leeway than councils when choosing tenants.
Up here in Scotland it was rumoured the SNP/Greens were discussing a scheme whereby each council would have a list of those needing a property e.g. domestic abuse, homeless, overcrowded etc. If a landlord had a property to rent, the list would be consulted and the landlord would essentially be told 'this will be your tenant' whether the landlord wanted them or not.

If the rumour was true, which knowing that lot I could well believe, thankfully it never came to anything. I would sooner have sold up rather than being dictated to who I'm having in my BTLs.
Up here in Scotland it was rumoured the SNP/Greens were discussing a scheme whereby each council would have a list of those needing a property e.g. domestic abuse, homeless, overcrowded etc
That already happens. Housing Associations in particular have properties identified for the homeless and Councils nominate people for the homes.
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Getting the property and its repairs and maintenance paid for too.

I am buying that
Rents weren't great, of course, but reliable. The motgages were tight so I didn't want vacancies, and the property prices were flat.

I'm sure you're making all of that up. Tenants treating a property like there's no tomorrow? Nah, not buying it. A landlord who was there for their tenants quickly and efficiently? Nah, not buying that either.
Not the same lets! The council tenants didn't even have my number. They were only good for a period. I only had 2 little ones and was glad to be rid of them when the prop prices rose.
A lot do provide mid market and market rent properties which are higher spec. They still need to cater for the lowest paid, and worse, in society. The private sector have a lot more leeway than councils when choosing tenants.
I haven't seen those better ones. The bottom-enders must cost a fortune to provide for - no thanks. There was a prog on tv, "Skint". Horrible speciments of the species.